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Project proposal for the undergraduate mathematics practice project

Essay Instructions:

Write a project proposal for the undergraduate mathematics practice project of mathematics major.

Give them the opportunity to use their professional knowledge to practice, so as to find a more suitable program in the later graduate study program.

Or to provide experience for future job interviews, to know what kind of work items will be used in learning math

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 Executive summary
The project proposal is to give the student opportunity to practice math and also to increase their understanding of mathematics concerning their real-life situations and problems. The project first focuses on the issues and some of the challenges that students face in practicing mathematics in schools. It also describes approaches that can be used in increasing the understanding of the students on mathematics. The possible solutions to the problems that might be facing the students on practicing mathematics are also aligned in the project with vivid explanations. Besides, the main project and activities to be conducted to solve the main issue are also discussed in the project paper.
Many students have ever thought about ways of perfecting themselves in mathematics. It has been discovered that what is being taught in the classrooms are not just enough to equip students with enough knowledge in mathematics thus making many of them not to be able to apply mathematics in their daily lives activities and situations. It has, therefore, realize that practice is essential and that students should focus on practicing mathematics in their studies and daily lives to perfect themselves. The students’ mathematical thinking capability can, therefore, be improved in many ways, including using the real-world problems. 
A combination of theory and practice is a very significant way to realize and determine the comprehensive development of a student in mathematics. Students should, therefore, focus on mathematics as it is applicable in many organizations and careers today. It can, thus, be challenging for a person who did not do well in mathematics because he/ she had no interest to fit into some job descriptions such as financial managers, auditors and even general managers. The basic idea of mathematics is very essential as it will allow one to understand their jobs very well and perform their duties appropriately with minimum degrees of errors (Yore, Pimm&Tuan, 2007). 
 Learning and practicing mathematics also gives opportunities to further learning where a student might specialize in a math-related course in future where their performance will be very high. There are many things, therefore which need to change for example the attitude of students towards mathematics and how they practice it. The project, thus, delves to discuss the practicing aspect of mathematics which gives opportunities to students and help them to gain more experience in their future careers and also graduate studies. 
Needs assessment
Students should have Avast knowledge and also be aware of the importance of mathematics in their future careers and studies. There are many challenges that students face each time they come across new mathematical concepts which should be understood clearly. Most of the students always believe in concentrating on their current studies and want to pass their examinations without considering the impact of their education on their future life. They don’t even acknowledge that at one point the mathematics will be applicable in their future lives.
For example, there are many concepts in mathematics that might be a business oriented, which can apply to companies and people who are employed in business organizations. Without the basic concepts, therefore, it will be tough to relate some of the aspects and responsibilities at workplaces. It is therefore essential to note that most of the students have disregarded most concepts because they don’t understand their application in their lives. They are not also able to understand how mathematics can help them solve problems in the future, maybe at their workplaces or maybe in life. 
Many people have therefore failed in their jobs and their lives because they are not able to manage some of the things that require simple mathematical concepts. A business can be going great losses because of some miscalculations and misunderstanding of figures which brings a huge problem to the industry and the employees. students, therefore, stand to be the people who are most affected by the issue of practicing mathematics and as they are the subjects who should take the initiative and put into action measures to make them have a better understanding of mathematics to be well conversant and confident with their future endeavors. Mathematical practice, therefore, provides professional guidance to the students who will one time in future be employees and professionals. The ones who have a better understanding of mathematics, thus, will be having an easy time at work and will be able to execute their duties flawlessly as accountants, clerks, and project managers and planners. 
Possible approaches
Students need excellent help with the practice of mathematics which impacts significantly on their future lives. The main aim, however, is to stimulate the interest of the students towards mathematics and make sure that they love and understand it very well. The students should be able to relate most of the mathematical issues and be able to apply them in their daily lives. One of the leading solutions that can help the students in understanding and be practicing mathematics very well is using ...
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