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Supply Chain of Bone Broth: Springbone

Essay Instructions:

Here is the web for this restaurant.

A) Supply Chain of Individual Item: must choose 1 food item that is sold in this restaurant and trace the supply chain for that item from the farm and seeds used to grow ingredients all the way to the store in which the item is sold.

(1) The specific food items you choose, may be fresh, packaged, prepared items, or beverages.

(2) Each member of the team will be primarily responsible for one item, though you may work together to trace the supply chains.

(3) Be sure to follow the entire chain, including any processing, distribution, etc.

(4) Each member of the team will submit his or her own a 1-page write up of the process undertaken to trace that item’s supply chain.

if you don't know the information, you could google it.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Supply Chain of Bone BrothNameInstitutional AffiliationDate The first step in the making of bone broth is sourcing the bones used in making the meal. High quality bones for making the meal are obtained from the grass-fed animals. It is important to make sure you have chosen the free-range or animals raised on pastures since they have the best quality of the bones. The quality of the bones will determine the quality of the bone broth you will make. The bones can then be roasted depending on the type of bone broth you are making. The bones are placed on the cookie sheet and covered for about 30 minutes. After roasting, the bones are placed on a crock pot which is filled with water and left to boil for some time. Acidic substances such as vinegar is added to the bone broth...
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