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Healthcare Leadership: Mission and Vision

Essay Instructions:

1. Find an organization related to your health care discipline and identify the mission and vision statement. Based on your experiences as a member of the health care team, explain how the values of the organization are or are not reflected in these statements. (2 references)

2.Professional mentorship has been identified as an important component of professional engagement, professional growth, and advancement. Consider your own professional journey. Has a mentor shaped your professional advancement? Share a mentor experience from your personal or professional life. What benefits did the experience offer you? How might you mentor other providers seeking to advance in your discipline? (2 references).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Healthcare LeadershipNameInstitutional AffiliationDate The mission and vision of an organization affects the ways in which the healthcare facility delivers services to the patients. The healthcare organization I chose is Kaiser Permanente Hospital which has been in existence for about eight decades CITATION Coo18 \l 1033 (Cooke, 2018). The mission of the facility is to provide high quality affordable healthcare services and to improve the health of its members as well as the community that it serves. The vision statement of the organization is to collaborate with its trusteed partners to create heathiest communities in the nation and to inspire greater health of America and the whole world. The values core values of the healthcare organization are to listen to the community, respect for individuals, honoring diversity and building relationships through trust and collaboration CITATION Coo18 \l 1033 (Cooke, 2018). The values of the organization are in line with the mission statement. In order for the organization to improve the healthcare service it provides to the community, they need to know the needs and the only way this ca be achieved is by listening to the community. It is also important for the healthcare facility to work closely with the community by building trust and collaborating to create a health community. It is also important to note that Kaiser Permanente Hospital is involved in a number of community activities that improve the lives of the local community. The physicians and the employees at the healthcare organization are always looking out for the best way of taking care of the patient and the community CITATION Bhu13 \l 1033 (Bhutani, Bhutani, & Kumar, 2013). They carry out a number of events that are intended to improve the livelihood of the community. All this has been achieved by recognizing the mission and the vision of the healthcare facility and making sure it has been reflected in the values of the organization. Mentorship within the healthc...
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