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Style Analysis. Article "What Do You Mean You Don't Like my Style?"

Essay Instructions:

Read the linked article "What Do You Mean You Don't Like my Style?" as background for the following challenge.


Find a document (instructions, advertisements, speech, or other sample) or website that you believe demonstrates one or more of the ethical problems discussed in Chapter 4: using language that attempts to evade responsibility, to mislead the audience, to deemphasize or suppress important information, or to emphasize misleading or incorrect information. Then, a) report what ethical problems you see and describe how the document might be revised to eliminate those problems, and b) rewrite the sample to eliminate the ethical problems.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Style Analysis
The document used to illustrate the ethical problems is an announcement from the national government of Nigeria to all the other governments with which it maintains diplomatic relations. The announcement represents the work that is ongoing which involves the ambassadors passing information back and forth between their governments and their respective governments to which they are assigned. The first sentence of the document reveals that the document is written by the Military Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and second last paragraph proclaims that the military leaders make a legitimate government of Nigeria through transfer that was voluntary. The final paragraph of the document is meant for other governments and it tries to assure readers that the leadership of Nigeria will not change the foreign policies that were in place. The only names of individuals that are mentioned in the document are the ones of the military governors in various regions of Nigeria.
The author of the document is mentioned in the first line and is made legitimate at the beginning and the end of the document. The audience that the document is meant for is mentioned and also the regional commanders are named in the document. The document is in a diplomatic language and talks about a change of government in Nigeria in January 1966 due to a military take over of a constitutional government. It describes civil unrest and the rigged elections and rioting which provide a background story of the events that took place leading to the takeover, (Kirk-Greene, 1971). The document also describes actual crisis which...
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