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Journal: From Problem to Persuasion. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

select two potential problems that 1) have two logical sides to the issue (your viewpoint and an opposing viewpoint), 2) are researchable, and 3) are related to your career or degree.

In your journal, write a fully developed paragraph for each problem (5-8 sentences each) explaining two sides to the issue (how is it argumentative?), how you plan to approach it in your project (what side are you going to take?), and why you're personally interested in it (of all the potential problems in your field or degree, why did you choose this?).

When writing the paragraphs, feel free to express any other thoughts or concerns you may have about the topic choices.

After exploring the argumentativeness of your problems, take a moment to consider the bigger picture. Then, in one to two paragraphs, briefly reflect on the importance of persuasion with the potential topic you're most likely to write about. Why is it important that people consider your side with your selected topic? Who is your audience, and why is it important to convince them that your view on your topic is the better (or more correct) view? Remember to try to be specific in your entry: this information will help guide you as you work on your project in the coming weeks.

Use the following checklist to make sure that you are covering all of the key points mentioned above:

In the first paragraph (5-8 sentences), explain:

Two sides of the first issue

Your approach/side

Why you're interested in the topic

In the second paragraph (5-8 sentences), explain:

Two sides of the second issue

Your approach/side

Why you're interested in the topic

In the third and fourth paragraphs (5-8 sentences each), reflect on:

The importance of persuasion for the topic you're most likely to write about

Why is it important for people to consider your side?

Who is your audience?

Why is it important to convince them that your view is best?

*My degree is in Cybersecurity and I'm just starting out so I don't know much.

*My 1 topics was how fast things update in this field whether it be software or hardware.

*My 2 was about all the certification you have to have to be able to get a job.

***The topics can be changed but need to stay related to Cybersecurity, plus this will also carry over to my final paper.

*I have attached the Rubic for this essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Journal: From Problem to Persuasion  NameI nstitutional affiliation
 Journal: From Problem to Persuasion 
The first topic is; Does improved protection against hacking need to come at the cost of privacy? 
A controversial cybersecurity bill referred to as the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA), was signed into law by President Barrack Obama on 18th December 2015. CISA gives the corporates legal permission to share digital signatures, which are unique codes that help in tracking the sources of electronic communications such as the IP address of the sender linked to potential security threats. The bill has elicited different reactions with its advocates indicating that this move will enable government and organizations to quickly counter security threats by notifying each other about the source and the type of possible breaches early enough. However, the critics of the bill emphasize that the act will do very little to counteract the threats and will interfere with personal privacy.  I will argue against the bill and explain why sharing of information may interfere with the privacy to personal information of the clients. I have chosen this topic because information privacy is one of the most crucial matters in the field of cybersecurity and companies have a responsibility to protect the information of their clients from access by the unauthorized parties. 
The second topic is; should organizations hack back? 
Hacking back is basically a counterstrike against cyber-attackers and it may involve retrieving and deleting stolen data, destroying the hacker’s system and tracing the hacker and reporting them to law enforcement authorities. Some people believe that hacking back is the only way a company or an indi...
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