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Student Success Essay

Essay Instructions:

PRE 100 (7169): Spring 2014, Prof. Hug

Study Skills Plan A (from Chapter 2, pp. 57-76)


In order to complete the following skills plan, you MUST read pp.57-76 in the textbook first, and make notes for yourself on the reading and exercises.


My Academic Skills Plan for Reading


In the box below, write your own Academic Skills Plan for Reading.  Include 5 more strategies that you think will assist you to achieve your desired outcomes and experiences.  Your description of each strategy should be a few sentences.


My desired outcomes and experiences for when I read:


Preview before reading. I will look at the table of contents. Scan through the Book to see what type of question or information that are in the book and go to the back of the pages and check out the Index.












Actions I will take  (write only the ones you will actually do):



A. Strategy #




My specific actions (write them below):


I would read 10 pages for about 30 mins and then recite what I had read in the Morning and read it again at night.







I NEED A STUDENT SUCCESS ESSAY (ON COURSE GATEWAY TO STUDENT SUCCESS) THIS IS MY COLLEGE BOOK. BCC FIRST YEAR SEMINAR EDITION. 750 WORDS TYPE Name Success Essay Due Date Friday, March 21, 2014 11:00:00 PM EDT Points Possible 20 According to the syllabus and instructions in class, you must submit a Student Success Essay by the end of class. Please turn it in no later than 3/21/14 by 11pm electronically. You can upload it to this assignment or cut and paste it below. You will be graded on content, as well as grammar and spelling. This is the only assignment in the course where you are graded on how well you write as well as the content of what you write. Here is the description from the syllabus: Formal Success Essay (20 possible points) This is a final assignment. So, students should prepare to bring together elements that they have learned in the class to demonstrate that they are familiar with what is required to be “On Course” and stay on “On Course.” Students must present their best work—grammar, spelling punctuation and content will be expected. Use of the tutoring services in the Center for Academic Achievement is recommended for best results. The minimum length of the essay is 750 words and must follow the criteria below. An essay earning a full 20 points will: Have at least five paragraphs: an introductory paragraph which includes a thesis statement. Three paragraphs to support the thesis statement. A paragraph that concludes the essay. Show a commitment to excellence in preparation, including professional appearance and use of Standard English. Remember that if you want to use a tutor, either in the Center of Academic Achievement, or through Blackboard, you will need to allow time to review and revised the essay several times over days or weeks. Additional info from the client: how to stay on track with life and school as far as CORE is Collecting organize rehearse evaluate. becoming a active learner is prior learning quality of processing quantity. making a choice are you the victims meaning blaming complaining excusing repeating behavior a Creator seeking solution taking action trying something new. making wise decision change your inner conversation. key concepts main ideas secondary major supporting details minor supporting details. Creating inner motivation life plan discover your dreams Note taking. self management using the 4 different Quadrant I II III IV next action list tracking form monthly calendar daily log 32 day commitment using Cornell study sheet and three column study chart. Employing interdependence choose a goal codependence independence dependence interdependence Active listening

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student Success Essay
Course title:
Student Success Essay
Student success is a rather hard subject for one to understand. Not every person realizes that each student has dissimilar ideals for success. Student success is largely dependent on a student’s understanding of what success means to him or her and then making effort to succeed (Tinto 2011). In this paper, elements learned in the class are brought together to demonstrate familiarity with what is needed to be on course and stay on course. Thesis statement: I have learned to be an active listener; I have learnt and managed to use the 4 quadrants; and using Cornell Study sheet. I have learned to develop my Academic Skills Plan for Organizing Study Materials; my Academic Skills Plan for Taking Notes; and I have been able to formulate my own Academic Skills Plan for Reading along with specific actions and strategies.
I have learned several elements in class which demonstrate that I am familiar with what is needed to not only be on course, but also to stay on course. I have learnt to be an active listener, to behave as a creator seeking solution, taking action as well as trying out new things. I have learnt to make wise decisions and changing my inner conversation and creating inner motivation. I have also learnt about creating life plan, discovering my dreams, and employing interdependence. Equally important, I have learnt about self-management with the use of 4 quadrants: I, II, III and IV; and using Cornell study sheet; and my 3 column study chart. I have learned to develop my Academic Skills Plan for Organizing Study Materials. I have been able to recognize that my desired experiences and outcomes for organizing study materials is basically learning the key concept, main ideas as well as supporting details of my course. In regards to this, I have been able to recognize that my strategies are: (i) to employ prime learning time; (ii) to adopt a growth mindset; (iii) create an ideal study space; (iv) condense course materials; (v) create outline; (vi) create Cornell study sheets; (vii) create 3 column study charts for maths; and (viii) test questions and flash cards.
I have been able to formulate my own Academic Skills Plan for Reading. When I read, my desired experiences and outcomes include previewing before reading. I would first look at the table of contents, scan through the book to see what type of questions or information are in the book and then go to the back of t...
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