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2 pages/≈550 words
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Strengths and Areas Requiring Growth

Essay Instructions:


This assignment is designed to provide you with an opportunity to be introspective about

yourself, to focus on your strengths and areas requiring growth with regard to your

counseling responsibilities. The paper is 2 pages in length and is due week 2. The first page

focuses on your personally relevant strengths, weaknesses, professional experiences, and

related experiences that will contribute to your natural progression in becoming a counselor.

The second page is a case history of you and focuses on familial background, educational

background, and pertinent life experiences that make you who you are today. Please see

description that follows for additional help.

-Specify the challenges you face in counseling your client population

-Summarize your counseling accomplishments thus far in the program as well as any other

relevant experience

-Define the counseling challenges you still face as you head into the semester. Be specific

about your personal current shortcomings (we all have them) or “areas requiring growth” and

how you plan to address them this semester and beyond. Also provide an overview of your

counseling strengths.

-Provide a short “intake” summary of yourself, (i.e. family history, personal assessment, etc)

and present it as a written case review. Do not unnecessarily expose confidential material

about yourself that you are uncomfortable sharing

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Intake Summary
Personal, relevant strengths, weaknesses, professional experiences, and related experiences that will contribute to your natural progression in becoming a counselor
My strengths in relation to this include being a strategic thinker, a quality that many people do not have. I am also a focused learner, creative, open minded and inspiring individual who stops at nothing in achieving a vision. I have the strongest willpower that drives my goals and aspirations in any field. Being a confident person, life has taught me to be industrious in the achievement and attainment of my dreams. My values are well defined by my principles, and I am a believer of reasoning before attempting a situation rather than attempting a situation under the influence of emotions.
Every good has some bad in it as said. In essence, my strength resulted from some of the weaknesses that I pursued to change. Speaking of weaknesses, I am to some level insensitive to some issues. There are times when I also lose my patience and also become intolerant. Moods are also part of my weaknesses. I have taken it as my initiative to work on these weaknesses in order to make them matter too in life.
My professional experiences revolve around being a practicing psychotherapist focused on providing individuals and families with counseling services. I am also in the process of specializing in work-related stresses, family mediation services, and women issues. My interest is in the academic work as well and lastly advising corporations on mental health issues and burnout. These...
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