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Analysis and Discussion of Two Contemporary Organizational Problems

Essay Instructions:

Paper and Conference Discussion on Contemporary Issues Using News Articles

Using current news articles originating from newspapers, magazines, or the Internet, and at least one scholarly source (trade journal, industry paper, etc.), write a three to five page paper that identifies two contemporary issues concerning either security as a profession or a specific organizational problem. 

This document must clearly define the issues identified in the selected news articles and how those issues relate to and/or impact security operations. Most importantly, the document must provide proposals of solutions to the issues and the measures required for successful implementation.

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Analysis and Discussion of Two Contemporary Organizational Problems
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The entry of the digital age over the past twenty five years that has been proliferated by the widespread use of technology spearheaded by the internet, has without a doubt brought a lot of challenges for organizations. A lot of these challenges are seen across all management departments making up the entire organizational structure. It is necessary to note that in the current 21st century dispensation, a significant chunk of what used to be traditional business and organizational practices has been eroded and replaced by practices that best suit the current audience. As such, it has become necessary for organizations to not only fundamentally alter their marketing and advertising strategies, but also organizational management and culture. However, in their attempt to reconstitute their presence to fit contemporary times, organizations face issues that are related to leadership, employment, motivation, productivity, sustainability among others. This essay will provide a concise and detailed analysis and discussion of two key organizational issues of concern; corporate greed and workplace discrimination.
Corporate Greed
The level of greed exhibited by many corporations and organizations has in the past couple of years drawn criticism from different quarters. Not only has the media reported heavily on its proliferation, but the topmost office in America has also joined in the debate. According to Wang, Malhotra, & Murningham (n.d), President Obama commented in 2009 that greed as reflected the valuation of wealth over work selfishness over sacrifice and greed over responsibility. According to Berman (2014), most Americans view corporations to be greedy because of two factors; the yawning income gap; and the fact that most of the benefits reaped by organizations have always gone to CEO’s.
How Corporate Greed Impacts Organizations
To understand how greed impacts organizations, it is perhaps necessary to holistically defined it. According to Wang et al. (n.d) greed is defined by many research documents as an excessive desire to acquire more and is primarily fuelled by self-interest or selfishness. While this paper will focus more on the negative impact of greed, it is, however, necessary to indicate that greed can also be a positive catalyst for development and great achievement. Nevertheless, what happens when greed is misdirected?
One such negative impact of corporate greed is the corrosion of ethical rationality by organizations (Hirsch, 2008). Hirsch (2008) continues to state that the corporate principle of fiduciary, which essentially directs the organization to maximize shareholder value, essentially results in greed by company executives that ultimately leads to unethical behavior. Three such industries that are heavily plighted with poor ethics due to greed are the mining, construction, and pharmaceutical industries. According to Hirsch (2008), the pharmaceutical industry, for example, maximizes the profits of shareholders at the expense of patients by charging drugs exorbitantly.
Workplace Discrimination
Because of the massive digitalization o the globe, the world has become interconnected like never before. In this respect, it is possible to assume that concepts such as cultural tourism and labor export have essentially realized the immigration of people from all walks of life to new places. In regards to labor, the workplace has become filled with people from different races, which has in effect resulted in the problem of workplace discrimination. According to Hewlett (2014), an example of workplace discrimination is the negative treatment of LGBT people.
How Workplace Discrimination Impacts Organizati...
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