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Strategies:Enhancing Learning & Facial Expressions Related To Emotions

Essay Instructions:

Your response should be double‐spaced; refer to the “Format Requirementsʺ page for specific format requirements.
Part A
Objective: List strategies for enhancing learning.
Bruce is furious when his midterm is returned with a C grade. He tells his sociology professor that he had read each of the assigned chapters three times, and if someone can do that and just be average, then there’s something wrong with the test! The professor is outraged by Bruce’s comments and the begin to have a heated conversation and both parties make degrading statements to each other
1. Based on your understanding of critical thinking and memory, describe one (1) flaw in Bruce’s reasoning.
2. Describe two (2) possible explanations for Bruce’s average performance.
3. Describe a conflict resolution approach Bruce should use to successfully resolve this situation.
Part B
Objective: Discuss the facial expressions related to emotions.
1. Describe subconscious processes, nonconscious processes, and mindlessness.
2. Provide one (1) personal example of a behavior for each process.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Strategies for Enhancing Learning and Facial Expressions Related To Emotions
Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation
Professor’s Name
Part A
Question 1
The major flaw in Bruce’s reasoning is his inability to use or sort out relevant information from the textbook so that he can store it in his long-term memory. Perusing through a book many times is not a guarantee that individuals will remember what they have studied and be ready for an exam. Maybe Bruce managed to quickly read out chapters in the book three times without fully understanding its contents. He was only paying attention or looking for information that confirmed his belief. Therefore, Bruce was not activating the cerebral part of his brain. As a result, he is not acquiring permanent memory. He used his fleet memory to keep every word in each section, perceiving and organizing those words to be asked in the exam. He needed to analyze and assess the information he read, break down the material to collect, and process the essential data to be stored in his long-term memory. Bruce did not use critical thinking when answering the questions. Reading a book is never enough; critical thinking has to be applied to strengthen long-term memory. One has to pay attention or look.
Question 2
One possible explanation for Bruce’s average performance is that he did not organize the reading material present in the book well; thus, his brain did not focus on any of the details mentioned in the textbook. Information stayed on his working memory rather than moving to the long-term memory. Reading the textbook three times resulted in him overloading his working memory, which frustrated him, thus, complaining to his professor. Reading the material is not adequate in storing the information in the brain or reading it on multiple occasions. Bruce should have taken notes on the reading material and made quiz cards on important topics likely to be tested. The quiz cards would act as a guide in assessing his understanding, improving content knowledge, and reviewing the material for additional reinforcement. Hence, it is very clear that even after reading the book three times, he could not store the material in his long-term memory. He needed to read to understand and not to read for the sake of passing the exam.
The second explanation is that he is not among the students who study alone in the library or rooms and then acquire the concept of a textbook. He is an abstract learner, making him difficult to learn by just reading some materials. So he could have joined a study group or society, where other students like to read books and later discuss the contents they have learned with one another. The study group would help him to think creatively and help in polishing the understanding of the learning materials. He would learn the course material deeper and more concretely while listening to various group members’ different perspectives on the topics. He would benefit from sharpening his problem-solving skills.
Question 3
Both the professor and Bruce are defensive; therefore, no one will put across clear points. The conflict resolution that Bruce should use to resolve this situation successfully is the collaborative approach. It involves being collaborative and assertive in order to identify a solution that fully satisfies the concerns of both parties (Mallick, 2020. Bruce should explain to the professor why he feels there is a pro...
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