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The Art of Storytelling: Animal & Freedom Tales. New World Philosophies

Essay Instructions:

Address the following in your paper:

 Describe the aesthetic form of Storytelling as a form of art, its composition, aesthetic forms, and styles.

  1. Describe the history of this art —does this work draw upon or respond to any of the cultural determinants of modernity—linear perspective, individualism, capitalism, cultural resistance to oppression?
  2. Does the art work draw upon ancient traditions like rap or hip hop draws upon the African griot tradition?
  3. Describe the method of its display in public: is it displayed in museums, on the street, on the internet, or used as reading material in college or high school classrooms?
  4. Describe its creator--is it created by a woman or a man, a person of color, a poor person, a middle class person, a college professor?
  5. Make an argument why storytelling should be considered real art, and why.

Use the attached resources (and the two attached articles) and also any others you can find on the internet.




Paper Specifics:

5 pages

APA Style

Times New Roman Font 12 pt

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Storytelling is an art whose objectives might change from one culture to another. A story remains a means by which people convey a personal truth or bring out their perspective on an issue (Peralta, 2010). The storyteller develops a story to take an audience to a different place and time. The composition of a story is beyond mere entertainment since stories relay judgment, life lessons, cultural memories and history (Peralta, 2010). Stories help us to understand our world by circulating beliefs, hopes, and dreams, human desires and they facilitate the efforts people make to explain themselves to others as they can convey emotions and bring the community to a similar level of understanding (Peralta, 2010). The aesthetic form of storytelling is created through the use of folkloric and mythic figures such as Ananse and Sango (Akoma, 2007). Further, the aesthetic is found in the voices of African griot, traditional storytellers, and chroniclers of history. Storytelling is a creation resulting from the use of metaphors. Using metaphors enables the audience to connect to the story without being explicit (Peralta, 2010). Metaphors are also important because they allow the audience to create their meaning and understanding of the story without the need of literal translations. The styles include:
Animal tales. The tales have their roots in African mythology. They comprise of characters such as Rabbit, Bear, and Fox. For instance, the character of Rabbit is presented as a trickster who is synonymous with the character of Anansi the spider in African mythology (Perlstein, 1992).
Supernatural tale. The stories provided explanations for the strange working of the universe. Additionally, the stories contain responsibility for right and wrong. Mostly the supernatural stories were used to empower and provide hope to the community (Perlstein, 1992).
Tall tale. Tall tales are evangelical-oriented as they try to explain the unexplainable. The stories tell of creation myths and other explanations that demystify the natural world. The stories were told by American slaves to explain the behaviors of the white masters (Perlstein, 1992).
Freedom tales. The tales were formulated to change the system that oppressed the blacks at the end of the 19th century. The stories told of escapes to freedom through imagined or actual encounters. The stories give hope that things will change through animal or theological analogs making the people believe that although the idea of liberty is difficult it can be attained.
The modern society is filled with people of different ethnic and racial groups. However, the African related text has survived and retained its attributes in a recognizable form (Akoma, 2007). Africans have often found themselves in societies dominated by people of European decent and various levels of interaction between them and indigenous people in America. The interaction created between cultures; languages and histories have led the African arts and philosophy to influence the new world writings. This effect is significantly noticed among Caribbean writers of African descent (Akoma, 2007). Storytelling has been used to portray cultural resistance to oppression. Such insights are evident in the Chicano Movement that is described by Peralta (2010). The movement arose as a reaction to situations that led to the abuse of civil liberties of Mexican descent by the sovereign individuals. The Chicano era was a definitive way of thinking and doing things. The Chicano resisted assimilation and the ideology developed by the administration that one had to be part of a dominant culture and abandon their cultural identity. The Post-Chicano concept addressed the meaning of being of Mexican heritage through the appreciation of the idea of identity. New World philosophies view identity regarding individualism. People are seen as free agents capable of creating their perspective of the world and understanding themselves in a rational way (Peralta, 2010). For instance, Peralta (2010) discusses how Juan Miguel Ramos an artist of the Post-Chino ideologies employs storytelling to the creation of identity. He uses a cartoon to represent human beings and digitally places them in an envi...
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