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Should The Stand Your Ground Laws Be Amended In Florida?

Essay Instructions:

Write an argumentative paper (900+ words) where you explore a contentious local (city, county, or state) issue. Try to choose an issue that affects you directly and try to fairly represent both sides of the issue. Explain the opposing sides as clearly and fairly as possible. Then, explain your position on the issue and concede any limitations or biases with your argument. Finally, persuade the reader that your position on the issue is the stronger and more sensible one. Be sure to define all of your key terms, point out the ambiguous words or phrases used by the opposing side, and identify the relevant assumptions of the opposing side. Also, cite news articles, government reports, and legal decisions to provide the necessary background and context for your argument. 

The assignment must be written in APA Style with references. Papers that do not meet this requirement will not be graded. The rubric (grading criteria) for written assignments is available under the Rubrics tab in the course menu.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Should The Stand Your Ground Laws Be Amended In Florida?
Should The Stand Your Ground Laws Be Amended In Florida?
The stand your ground law allows an individual to use deadly force for self-defense without the attempt to retreat in cases where they perceive reasonable threat. Further, it states that more deadly force can be applied in self-defense when an individual’s property is invaded. In most of the states, cities and streets of the United States of America have the form of the stand your ground laws in application. There has been a heated debate on the relevance of the law and its proper use in the country. This was triggered by the killing of Trayvon Martin in Florida (Yancy, & Jones, 2013). There is no much information availed regarding this case but it is well known that Zimmerman who is a resident patrolman shot Martin who at his death he had no weapon. Similar cases have happened severally thus causing the debate with some part saying that the laws are inevitable while others argue that the laws are discriminative and therefore need to be amended. While key people in the government argue that the law should remain unchanged, it is vital that the law be amended in order to favor the community. Therefore, this work is to show the need for amendment of the "stand your ground" laws (Yancy, & Jones, 2013).
On the other hand, the law was intended for good. This is because there are cases where innocent people are attacked by dangerous individuals. At this point in order to rescue themselves, they can use the deadly force. In such cases the law would do well in protecting the innocent members of the community (In Johnson, 2015). In many cases Americans find themselves in situations where they cannot run or even retreat but to fight for their life and safety. It is in this case that the fearful individuals can use deadly force. The law had emerged from the constitution that allowed citizens to match force with equal force in self-defense. The stand your ground laws expands the right to the extent of using deadly force just by sensing and believing that one is in danger.
The law gives an individual the power to be the judge and the executioner of the opponent thus making it flaw. The law empowers one to apply deadly force against another if they tend to believe that their lives are at danger (In Johnson, 2015). This is instead of trying to avoid the danger at all costs. The law outlaws the duty of retreat which states that individuals upon sensing danger while away from their homes should take it upon themselves to get away from the danger at all costs thus avoiding to use deadly force to defend themselves....
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