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Essay Instructions:

First, watch the movie "Lives of the Others" by Florian Henckel.

Write an essay about center around the theme of Two Germanies. (From the movie, you can choose any aspect such as politics, culture, or freedom to discuss) 

Please write a clear thesis (underline it in your essay) and make solid arguments with evidence from the film. 


The following are only prompts to guide you towards your thesis. You are welcome to pick one of them or feel free to find your own angle to the film and texts:

Does the film have a happy ending? What would the requirements be for such a happy ending?

Does the film have an unequivocal or an ambiguous message? How does this tie into its overall


Is the film a tragedy, a comedy, or a parody?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Lives of the Others
The lives of others is a German drama film that was released in the year 2006 and was directed Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck; this was his first work directing in the film industry and relative to the delivery of the content and the context, he managed to pull it off (Von Mering & McCarty.). The film managed to win an Oscar indicating the quality of the work. One of the most striking element of the film is the fact that, the message brought out in the context is not ambiguous but rather unequivocal, which generally ties in with the politics theme brought out in the film (Saunders & Pinfold). The subtle element of the film lies in the fact that the director did not sacrifice clarity for the ease of feeling among the viewers, rather the plot and the execution all take a blunt yet a much focused approach of German Democratic Republic.
Paranoia is one of the strongest feeling, as the power of what is not known has a very subtle psychological stricture. When paranoia sets in, courage is the last element that can be used a frame of reference especially where such fear is spread among the people in a society instigated by the government. Where enough pressure is applied to the masses with an elemental fear of the threat to existence, even the dissidents find it hard to work around the political structure (Saunders & Pinfold.). The East Germany regime known as the GDR, commanded the secret police known as the Stasi, which was used to spy on the people and root out any persons that were thought to be subversive. Anyone that was thought to harbor any elements of anti-communist agendas or revolutionary to the current reign of the government would easily become a guest to the correction facilities (Von Mering & McCarty,).
Before the west and East Germany factions came to unite, in a population of 17 million, more than 1.7 million were on payroll for surveillance. This is the same element that is depicted in the film as Wiesler a captain to the Stasi police is seen to monitor the activities of Georg Dreyman a playwright who is now suspected of being a dissident. Relative to the surveillance practices of the captain around the playwright and his lover Christa Maria, he becomes a part of their lives but in the shadows as he listens to conversation using listening devices. In the cle...
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