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Spring Song of the Frogs Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Theme statement (can be revised in your way): Even though women are obsessed with pursuing an ideal body figure due to societal pressures, men are the one who set the unhealthy representational of idealism, resulting in the missing of happiness and health.

"Spring song of the frogs" by Margarett Atwood is the story of this piece. The essay should have 3 quotations included; it should be very precise, just take the exact phrase that is useful in the sentence.

Also, the conclusion should've more thoughts inside. The conclusion is very important.

Thank you so much!

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Spring Song of the Frogs
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“Spring Song of the Frogs” – Theme Statement Essay
I. Introduction
“Spring Song of the Frogs,” written by Margaret Atwood, follows Will, a fellow who is not very good at relationships, and who manages to bring out the anorexic in a number of women, including a niece who is hospitalized for not eating, and an old girlfriend who sneaks off to purge a romantic dinner.
Societal pressures have caused women to be obsessed with pursuing the “ideal” body figure. Men, however, are the ones who set unhealthy standards of idealism, driving women to miss happiness and health, as evidenced in “Spring Song of the Frogs,” through the protagonist Will.
II. Discussion
In “Spring Song of the Frogs,” we are introduced to women who are obsessed with maintaining the “ideal” body. This is evident throughout the narrative as these women do whatever it takes to conform to what is perceived as “ideal.” It appears that the culture in which these women exist is a culture that exalts thinness in women; which is why these women are determined to do whatever it takes to conform to the societal norms.
Will is connected to these pale, secretive, non-eating women. Everywhere he turns, he sees a thin woman. Will, seeking “generosity,” is assailed on every side by a lack of flesh (3). It appears that the women are trying to achieve this “thinness,” which may be viewed as attractive. The first character we are introduced to is a waitress who is described as “thin.” However, it becomes more concerning when her arms are described as bone-skinny (2), and they appear to be protruding from her garment like stems of peonies that have been grown in darkness (2). The waitress is unbothered by her physical state; she is more concerned with being perceived as “thin.” Her physique is rather small for a woman, which causes her to be mistaken for a man by Will. This desire to maintain a thin body is also seen in the second character, Robyn, who shows an unwillingness to eat. When offered bread, she declines, repulsed (3). These women are going to extremes in aims of achieving a physique that society approves as attractive.
Cynthia, Will’s niece, is hospitalized for not eating. I think Cynthia refuses to eat because she is obsessed with achieving a body image related to thinness. In her mind, the only way to being thin is eliminating food. She is not the only one refusing to eat; her ...
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