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Why is it Easier for a Child to Learn a New Language than an Adult?

Essay Instructions:

Please writer a 150 words summary ( choose one article) and one commentary on all articles (250-300 words).

There is a commentary writing format that i write at the bottom of the "pre DY reading report #2"(wechatimg6.jpeg) ,please follow, also follow the summary and commentary checklist (wechatimg7.jpeg)that i uploaded.

Thank you!!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reading Report
Summary on article: (150 word summary) Why is it Easier for a child to Learn a New language than an Adult?
As far as the learning of a new language is concerned young children have an advantage over the adults. However, according to Sharon Perkins, the added advantage only happens to children who have a natural exposure to the second languages on a daily basis. For children below the age of 11 years, the deep motor part of the brain enables the children to absorb the second language much easier. Although children have little to learn as compared to the adults they also have the advantage of having a positive attitude. Unlike the adults, young children continue to learn from their mistakes something which makes them successful in their learning endeavor. Once the children start learning a second language they have a higher chance of losing the first language and to prevent that from happening, the young children can receive a boost of the first language from their parents. The advantage of the second language to the children is that it prepares them for the complex academic languages that they will be pursuing in the future.
Commentary on the three articles
The three articles are from different authors but they have some common ideas. For instance, in all the articles the authors have agreed that the young learners have an advantage over the adults in the learning of new languages and in the pronunciation of words.
First Article:
The first article by Anne Merritt tends to differ with the common notion of believing that children have better chances of learning a new language over the adults and she states it with a confident tone. She supports her argument using the evidence that has been presented by the good number of linguistic researchers. The first idea which is presented by the author seems to be true because adults have pre-existing knowledge of languages. The existing knowledge creates a smooth path for them to learn a new language. The other three arguments presented by the author seem to be untrue because they tend to measure the capability of adults to that of young children. The brain of adults is fully grown while the one for young children is its early stages of development and for that reason, they cannot be compared. The author’s argument is biased because it only favors the adults.
Second Article:
Article two by Suzanne Robyn supports the argument that children have a better understanding of languages as compared to the adults. She uses a vigilant...
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