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Most Popular Sports Games in North America,Japan and the Globe

Essay Instructions:

We want to do a report for a game company about what kind of games are the most popular in different regions (North America, Japan, and the Globe).

My part is:

Read the "747 proposal", based on hypothesis 1: Sports games are more popular than shooters games in North America. We provide 4 graphics for Hypothesis 1, these graphics need to be paired with text that makes clear what the purpose of the visualizations are, justification for choices made in display and analysis, and what conclusion the author has drawn from the project’s results.

Please see "Final project assignment description" for guidelines.

We found that actually action games are the most popular one in NA; But the sales of shooter games do not match with the overall ranking of shooter games, might not be that popular in other regions but North America; The trends of these 3 most popular game genres need to be analyzed more deeply; the top10 games need to be analyzed.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Research Paper on the Most Popular Sports Games in the
Regions of North America, Japan and the Globe
April 2021
This paper mainly focuses on the various top games in specific regions of North America and Japan. This is to cater to the needs of researchers and readers as to the facts based on valid sources elucidating the best games and most updated events concerning this topic. In the subsequent paragraphs of this paper, we will be discussing about the type of games that had draw a flock of gamers and what is known to be popular. Hypotheses will be thoroughly explained and backed with literature review to give a clear and concise narration of the truth in terms of games. Then a brief conclusion will be given in the end as to the final standpoint that echoes the results of this research.
The gaming industry have made a reputation for themselves in the world of entertainment however, not all game manufacturers are successful in their endeavors. Thus, we will only focus on the most popular and sought after games in Japan and North America. We are presenting the hypotheses that Sports games are more popular than shooter games in North America.
According to Racomaby B. (2019) that Asia is the grandest video games market in the globe. To the older generation, sports is all about pressuring the legs, mind and lungs to pursue victory and is played in the field or in the pool. However, for the new generation, sports could now be played in front of a personal computer and a comfy chair with the use of a keyboard, mouse and headphones.
Interpretation of Graphic 1- Three Most Popular Game Genre
Based on the graphic we found that action games and sports games spiked from 2000 to 2010, but shooter games are not as good as them because this is the beginning stages of sports games, with new strategies and game play as opposed to the older shooter games. Definitely, the sports games have outdone the action and shooter games. Sports games such as the League of Legend...
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