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Speech Analysis for Titanic

Essay Instructions:

Description: This Discussion Board is for students to analyze a speech outline for a speech about the Titanic.

Please post your initial response and reply to at least two students' postings by the due dates and time (see above). Your participation in this Discussion Board will be graded based on the Discussion Board Rubric.

Assessment:Your participation in this Discussion Board will be graded based on the Discussion Board Rubric below.

Critique a Sample Speech Outline

Here is a sample speech outline for a speech about the Titanic. (This outline is also attached to this assignment at the bottom of the page.)

Review the entire Informative Speech outline; and using the criteria found in your readings and lecture for this week, analyze and critique the author's speech organization, supporting materials, and outline structure. Consider some of the following questions in your analysis:

1.Based on the outline, does the speaker consider the audience in her speech? If yes, in what way(s). Please explain.
2.What primary organizational pattern (e.g., spatial, chronological, causal, comparison, narrative, topical, etc.) does the speaker employ? Is this an appropriate pattern to use? Please explain.
3.What type(s) of support (e.g., narrative, statistics, examples, definitions, analogies, etc.) does the speaker include throughout the outline? Are these types of support appropriate based on her speech topic?
4.What additional types of support would be appropriate for this speech topic? (anything missing that would be useful?)
5.Does the speaker include a compelling Introduction and Conclusion in her outline?
6.What are the speaker's main points?
7. Does the outline follow a logical structure and include all necessary parts as noted in Chapter 11 of the textbook? (https://rutgers(dot)instructure(dot)com/login?needs_cookies=1

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Critique of the Speech Outline on the Titanic
1 Based on the outline, does the speaker consider the audience in her speech? If yes, in what way(s). Please explain.
Informative speech is intended to enlighten the audience that did not have the knowledge of the subject matter prior to its presentation. Therefore the speaker ought to lay down the details of the subject matter with not intension of swaying the listeners to intriguing style of presentation.
Considering paramount importance of clear understanding of the audience to this outline made the point easy to understand. There is no exaggerated use of difficult words, the point outline is precise and clear and a clear thesis statement that enables the client to understand the whole purpose of the speech.
Outlining the speech played a role in showing the audience the sequence of ideas and preparing the audience to know what would follow the other in the speech.
2 What primary organizational pattern (e.g., spatial, chronological, causal, comparison, narrative, topical, etc.) does the speaker employ? Is this an appropriate pattern to use? Please explain.
The speaker in this case employs a chronological pattern. It indicates the timelines from the prediction story, building of the ship, its sailing journey, the tragedy and the movie that was made out of it.
Sinking of the Titanic was a tragedy of 20th century and the audience would be interested to understand its origin.
Chronology helps the clients to trace the timelines, especially those that took place many years ago which improves understanding of events.
3 What type(s) of support (e.g., narrative, statistics, examples, definitions, analogies, etc.) does the speaker include throughout the outline? Are these types of support appropriate based on her speech topic?
Various support features have been used by the speaker. First there is inclusion of statistic to assist the audience to quantify the material, money and the number of people.
For example, there is indication of the weight of the sh...
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