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South Africa's apartheid policy of 1948

Essay Instructions:
ASSIGNMENT 06 World Geography Directions:Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be a minimum of one (1) single-spaced page to a maximum of two (2) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements. Discuss South Africa's apartheid policy of 1948. How was it initiated? Provide historical information of the time from the passing of this policy until gaining independence in 1979. THIS IS THE END OF ASSIGNMENT 06.
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SOUTH AFRICA’S APARTHEID POLICY OF 1948 (Insert Name) (Institutional Affiliation) SOUTH AFRICA’S APARTHEID POLICY OF 1948 South Africa had an abundant supply of natural resources and hence was colonized by European superpowers who wanted to exploit these resources. These resources included mineral resources and fertile land for agriculture. Apartheid, which is simply a policy of racial segregation of the blacks and whites, was created in 1948 by the South African National Party (Burger, 2010). The main reason why this policy was created was to regulate the number of black people in government, so as to ensure that the whites maintained dominance over the blacks. The prime leader of apartheid was Dr. D. F. Malan, who led the National Party in the first campaign which promised that if it were to be elected, it would make apartheid permanent. One of the acts that was past by this party after taking office was the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages of 1949 which barred marriages between Europeans and non-Europeans. Also, in 1950, this government passed the Population Registration Act which classified the South Africans by race and required that people carry a card that showed their racial identity at all times. The Group Areas Act of 1950 on the other hand marked off areas of land on which different racial groups were to reside and anyone who violated this was punished (Burger, 2010). There were several movements that were formed to challenge apartheid. In 1958, the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) (Cheap Flights South Africa) was formed, which was later banned by the government. However, such groups operated from underground and they used violent campaigns of resistance. The government at the time had tried to prosecute anti apartheid leaders but this ended in acquittals in 1961. In 1960, a state of emergency was introduced after the police had shot anti-pass demonstrators causing violence, and detention without trial was also introduced. The black political leaders were forced into exile and such p...
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