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Influential Songs: The Soundtrack of my Life

Essay Instructions:

Create a soundtrack for your life with at least one (1) work each of the following categories. Each work must be identified by title and composer/performer, followed by a brief explanation for why and how it relates to the given category. Explanations should include some detail (such as who, when, where, etc.). An explanation should include more than just a rehashing of the prompt (For example, “I grew up listening to Shakira with my family, so I chose Shakira’s “Gypsy,” would not be enough detail. Why that piece, of all her work? When and where would you here it?). Your grade will be determined by title (1 pt each, 7 pts total), composer or performer (1 pt each, 7 pts total), and an explanation of satisfactory detail (1 pt each, 7 pts total), for an overall total of 21 points. (Remember that this assignment alone is worth 10% of your final grade).

Please select a different piece for each prompt (in other words, do not use the same piece twice).

Grew up listening with family (may have been chosen by parents or older family members)

Personal music interest (something you personally enjoy)

Connected with friends (something you listen(ed) to or share(d) with friends)

Time of transition (possible examples could be moving, high school into college, changing jobs, etc. It could be a work that helped you through a transition, or reflected how you felt about the transition)

Your identity (may relate to gender, race, socioeconomic status, nationality, religious beliefs, veteran status, etc.)

Related to love (anything (good, ill, or indifferent) relating to your beliefs about or personal experience(s) with love)

Thoughts for the future (something emblematic of how you feel about your future, good, bad, or indifferent)

You do not need to make a physical recording or playlist. The pieces you choose do not need to be the ultimate, perfect piece for the topic, nor do you even have to like all the pieces. You can choose any kinds of music from around the world, with or without words. Feel free to discuss pieces in any order as long as it is clear which work relates to each category. If you like, you may fill out your responses on the attached form, and I even encourage you to use a different font or color, as long as it is legible.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Soundtrack of My Life
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Soundtrack of my Life
Listening with Family
Dolly Parton was a favorite with my family. Almost every of her song struck a chord that served to create an unforgettable atmosphere imbued with love, harmony and peace. When such songs as Coat of Many Colors are still memorable in the minds of the family members and they would play them with every opportunity, When It Is Family conjures up a mood that can only be described by the strong emotional bond that brings the family together. It was included in the 1991 album, Eagle When She Flies. Other than the slow, soothing sound created by the instruments, Dolly Parton’s magical voice inspires the listener to give an attentive ear to it. The lyrics seem to have been carved from gold. From the first to the last word on the song, they create a harmony and meaning that ensures that the song is memorable.
Personal Music Interest
Reggae is one of my favorite music genres. While I listen to various reggae artists, Bob Marley remains the best. His song One Love is unforgettable and timeless. His inspirational lyrics are perhaps the best attractions after the theme of love, no matter the origin of the people. The Is This Love song inspires almost the same appeal.
Connected with Friends
Nicki Minaj never lets her fans down when it comes to her music. Her tantalizing voice, rapping talent and electrifying performances have always left me asking for more. I first listened to her song, High School, together with my friends. While she featured Lil Wayne, her presence and input almost overshadows his. Her live performance of the song is far beyond perfect. Her energy and liveliness are unrivaled.
Time of Transition
My graduation ...
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