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Verbal Portrait. Your aim is for the reader to get a vivid sense of the person you’re describing

Essay Instructions:

Write a 3 - 5 page paper (i.e., fill 3.5 pages minimum in 12-point Times New Roman font,

double-spaced) about the subject of your choice.

Your aim is for the reader to get a vivid sense of the person you’re describing. You’ll do this by

relying primarily on the actions of the person. Think more about the specific information that

leads to your ideas about your subject rather than a list of adjectives.

Your subject doesn’t need to be someone who’s had a big impact on your life. You should write

about someone you feel like describing in words: someone your brain seems to have some

interesting ideas about. Keep the person you’re writing about at the center of your attention, and

try your write about the specific details that will bring him or her alive on the page. As you

write, you may have new thoughts or realizations about the person you’re writing about (or about

your own thinking about the person). Add them! This is one of the best things that can happen

while you’re writing.

Ideally, the reader should have a sense, by the end of your piece, that you’ve presented your

subject fairly, and that you haven’t succumbed to a predictable “single story.” This assignment

may very well be a piece you choose to revise for your Final Portfolio. Use all the tools we’ve

been learning so far (using a suitable plan, relying on specific details, using your senses when

describing, shaping your paragraphs, etc.). Giving thought and attention to this assignment

should feel a little like pleasure. Slow yourself down, and really think about a person you’ve

encountered. “Sketch” your ideas into a plan. Then bring the person to life on the page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Verbal Portrait
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For nearly five years now, I am living in New York City with my parents and siblings. My elder brother, Mr. A, is doing a job in a private firm and his salary is enough to fulfill the requirements of the whole family. Three years ago, the father fell ill, and Mr. A had to come forward to take a bold step in order to earn something to raise the family. He was lucky to get a job of desire, and he worked hard to establish himself at the workplace. I and my younger sister are currently in the college, and our parents have grown old, which means Mr. A is the only person who supports the family financially.
The definition of integrity has come from the Latin word integritas, meaning intact or whole. I have found Mr. A to be a man who accepts challenges and faces the problems all alone. His dignity and honesty have never allowed him to cheat on his employer or the family. From cooking food for the family to giving us pocket money and from buying clothes and accessories for the family to reaching the office on time, he is capable of managing his day-to-day tasks. Whenever there is an uncertain situation, he does not feel bad and instead struggles to find the solution to the problem.
He could have married and moved on with his life months ago, but he did not do anything like that. Instead, my elder brother chose to be honest and sincere to his parents and sisters. He wants us to study properly, brings books and journals for both of us, drops us to the college before going to his office, and returns home on time so that he could spend some quality time with all of us.
The fact is that if he was not there to sacrifice so many comforts and pleasures, it would have never been possible for us to survive. Our father developed has diabetes and high blood pressure at the same time, and as per the recommendation of the doctor, he cannot do any full-time job. So, it was obvious that the brother had to t...
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