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Psychology: Why Some People Solve Problems Better than Others?

Essay Instructions:

Complete the following learning modules: 
(You DO NOT need to “submit” anything within or at the end of the learning modules. You only need to answer the questions below.)
You may want to right click on the links and open them in a new window
Once you have completed both of the learning modules above, respond to the following questions:
(Some of these questions are not directly addressed in the learning modules.  I want you to use the information you learned in the learning modules to develop responses to the questions.  You can also use your book or other sources. Please be sure to appropriately reference your sources.)
Next copy and paste the questions below into a word document, provide your response(s) right after the question, save your document, and then attach.
1. Why do you think some people solve problems better than others? Does nature or nurture play a more important role?  Please explain your response.
2. In regards to the Cooper and Shepard (1973) experiment discussed in the learning module, explain why the reaction time for most people studied decreases after 180 degrees. 
3. Are you good at mental rotation?  Describe the pattern of your results.  Do your results fit the pattern of results from the Shepard experiments?  If not, why might your results be different?
4. Why might some people be better than others at mental rotation?  Does nature or nurture play a more important role? Please explain your response. 
5. What does it mean to be intelligent?
6.  If a "g factor" does exist, what does it mean if nature plays the primary role in its development?  
7.  In regards to the examples of verbal ability and nonverbal ability, which did you find easier to do, the verbal subtests or the performance subtests?  If you had a preference, why do you think you preferred one over the other?  If you found them both to be easy or hard, why do you think that is?
8. Of the various perspectives discussed, which perspective of intelligence, e.g., Wechsler, Gardner, or Sternberg, do you prefer?  Please explain your preference.
9. Think about Sternberg's components of "successful intelligence".  List the three components, and then describe three jobs/occupations that might be appropriate for someone strong in each of the components.   
10. Explain why having a better understanding of thinking, problem solving, and intelligence is important to developing a better understanding of psychology (behavior and mental processes).
Remember to include the QUESTIONS and your RESPONSES when completing the assignment. Points will be deducted if you do not include the QUESTIONS along with your RESPONSES.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

1. Why do you think some people solve problems better than others? Does nature or nurture play a more important role?  Please explain your response.
Both nature and nurture influence how people think and solve problems, but I think that nurture has a stronger influence on how people solve problems. The more people practice the better they are at solving problems. People who face various situations where they have to solve problems are inclined to find solutions to various problems. Nature still influences how people comprehend complex issues, as individuals may think sequentially or in a straight line. Even IQ is not constant and through training and experience some people have better abilities to solve problems, and this is a function of nurture rather than nature. 2. In regards to the Cooper and Shepard (1973) experiment discussed in the learning module, explain why the reaction time for most people studied decreases after 180 degrees. 
The axial symmetry is at 180 degrees, which is midpoint between 0 degrees and 360 degrees, and rotations greater than 180 degrees are similar to rotations in the opposite direction (Bfwpub.com, 2016 a). Looking at both the clockwise and counter clockwise rotation, then the degree of rotation influences rotation rather than the direction of rotation. As such, the 60 degree angle of rotation corresponds with 240 degree rotation while the 120 degree rotation is similar to 240 degrees, but in the opposite direction. At an angle of 180 degrees an image is completely upside down, and the viewer then has to compare the image with normal representation regardless of whether it is backwards. 3. Are you good at mental rotation?  Describe the pattern of your results.  Do your results fit the pattern of results from the Shepard experiments?  If not, why might your results be different?
The Shepard experiments highlight that the response time increases when the angle of rotation is 0 to 180, but then falls from 180 degrees to 360 degrees. My results mirror those of Shepard, but I took more time when the letters were backwards. The shape of the mean response time is similar, abut rotation of the image. This indicates that information processing of pattern structure and rotation transformation follows similar patterns, but the response time is different. In the task, one has to identify letters that are normal or face backwards in different degrees. Identifying the different spatial arrangements showed no significant results compared to Shepard experiments. 4. Why might some people be better than others at mental rotation?  Does nature or nurture play a more important role? Please explain your response. 
Both nature and nurture influence the mental rotation abilities, but people are exposed to different spatial activities. As such, nurture may have more influence on mental rotation ability, and this is especially for athletes where people have to engage in spatial activities. Athletes require mental rotation skills more than people in settled environments, and the mental image transformations are faster. Typically, highly trained athletes participate in many spatial activities and their capacity for mental imagery is then well developed compared to non athletes. With better training one can visualize the close and distant spaces to transform the images mentally. Athletes and dancers may have better ability to judge the spaces because of the visual perception of movement is better developed through nurture and training over time. 5. What does it mean to be intelligent?
To be intelligent means that one has the cognitive abilities and functioning to apply knowledge in reasoning and undemanding different phenomena. Intelligence is inherited, and shaped by the environment. Having a high mental capacity to think creatively and solve problems shows that one is highly intelligent as they have the skills and can utilize specialized knowledge where necessary. Merely acquiring knowledge does not equate one being intelligent if a person can use what they have or demonstrate reasoning associated with such knowledge. Even as IQ tests have focused on verbal and mathematical skills, using reason should be considered. There are different multiple intelligences including interpersonal, intrapersonal skills, emotional as well as social intelligence. 6.  If a "g factor" does exist, what does it mean if nature plays the primary role in its development?  
Spearman pointed out that people with one factor representing high intelligence tended to score high in other fact...
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