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Soft Lede: Treatment Court

Essay Instructions:

Length: 300-350 words

Lede: Soft lede (anecdotal, contrast, list, etc.)

Due: 8 p.m. tonight

Audience: Syracuse and CNY

This assignment is testing your observational reporting skills. We are also looking for a compelling soft lede to draw the reader in, with a clear nut graf that explains the gist of the story. The rest of the story -- anecdotes, scenes, exchanges with the judge, should support that nut graf.

For this assignment -- and this assignment only -- you may quote speakers without getting their names. There is one exception: when attributing any information from the judge, the normal rules of attribution apply.

Be sure to use the correct titles of the court, judge etc. These are easily fact-checked.

Attached is recording

Judge-Mary Doherty

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Treatment Court
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Course Name and Number
Due Date
Treatment Court
“All rise," the Bailiff was heard saying as Judge Honorable Mary Anne Doherty came into the courtroom at 9 a.m., 3rd August 2022. During the Community Treatment Court hearings, Judge Doherty began the proceedings by asking everyone to sit down and welcome them into her chambers. Many files were to be heard that day, including new and continuing cases. Multiple convicted individuals were present with their representatives and the public prosecutor. Those who had great reports from their treatment centers and doctors were given future dates for their hearing, new cases were given hearing dates, and those who had challenges were directed to see the Judge face to face on a future date. “This court aims to help everyone get better," Judge Doherty said.
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