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Social Exclusion of Immigrants in Canada

Essay Instructions:

Assignment – Outline for Final Essay

Evaluation – 5%

Due Date – March 18, 2019, printed and stapled, to be submitted in class

1. Choose an argumentative research topic within the realm of Contemporary Canada.

2. Your topic can be social, political or cultural or a combination of all these aspects.

3. Research at least three or more resources for your essay. Please make sure that the resources are either journal articles or books. Electronic resources such as newspaper articles etc. are acceptable but are on top of the other three expected resources.

4. Write your outline clearly stating your research question/thesis, how you will go about addressing the topic and how you plan on using your research to support your essay.

5. Your outline should clearly state the planned structure of your essay i.e. a logical organization of sections and main arguments.

6. Integrate both supporting and opposing arguments to give a fuller picture of the issue.

7. The outline can be in point format or in paragraph form.

8. The outline should have a clear references list on a separate page in APA format.

9. Follow all APA guidelines for this outline.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Exclusion of Immigrants in Canada
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Controversy on Immigrant treatment in Canada exists. Some Canadians support immigrant social exclusion, while others stand for social inclusion. Fuller-Thomson, Noack, and George (2011) report on more than six million Immigrants being in Canada by 2006, forming about 20% of the Canadian population. The immigrants are usually in better health when entering into Canada but show deterioration in health after a little stay. Social exclusion is blamed for the immigrants’ health problems. This paper aims at defining social exclusion and explaining types of social exclusion and how they cause suffering to Canadian Immigrants as well as why there’s a conflict among Canadians as regards the same.
Social Exclusion
The society influences the environment and thus the health of individuals. Social factors of health encompass the conditions that a person is born in, grows, stays, works, and becomes old, and that give direction to their health status (Chapman, 2010). When one is raised in an unhealthy environment, their wellbeing is significantly affected. Social exclusion as defined by Newbold (2010) is lack of belongingness, acceptance, and recognition in society. The socially excluded immigrants to Canada are more socially, economically and psychologically vulnerable (Oxman‐Martinez et al., 2012).
Social Isolation
Exclusion to marginalized areas leaves immigrants with poor and crowded housing (Newbold, 2010). According to Newbold (2010), some immigrants are discriminated in the housing department, or sent to deprived neighborhoods with limited social resources and housing. Poor communities and poor housing increase the chances of poor health. Oxman‐Martinez et al. (2012) further reveals the general wellbeing of children of immigrants, especially those of school-going age affected by social isolation. Isolation occurs both in school and out of school where peers seclude each other based on color, origin, and language.
Psychological Exclusion
According to a report by Oxman‐Martinez et al., (2012) Social exclusion causes psychological exclusion. The report reveals that immigrant school going children are psychologically affected by perceiving their teachers treating them differently from indigenous Canadian children. The treatment, as documented in the report is determined by the length of time stayed in Canada, ethnicity, level of education of the parents, and single parenthood.
Economic Exclusion
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