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Political Science: Democracy In China

Essay Instructions:

Examine china political history and current barriers in developing their democracy. Create a concise argument on the type of democracy they should institute and why?

Paper should be double space.

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Political Science Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Political Science The debate about democracy in China has created a lot of controversial perspectives in the present. Although China is not fully democratized, it has shown concerns to become a justice nation. Each country has its way of becoming democratic; thus China uses different approaches in its walk to be a democratic state. In this essay, China’s political history and current barriers in developing their democracy will be critically examined; and then used to make a concise argument on the type of freedom that should be instituted in China. In China, the first political party was the Kuomintang established in Guangdong province. The party was founded on the 25th of August in the year 1992. In the subsequent years, a plethora of political parties formed to take part in the National Assembly elections. The parties were as follows. First, the Nationalist party is depicting revolutionaries. Second, the Republican Party delineating militarist. Third, the Unity Party presenting the gentry and fourth, the Democratic Party characterizing the constitutional monarchist's group that was existing before that period. The constitutional monarchists who were part of the Democratic Party felt that there was no one representing their interests being that at that moment it was only the Nationalist and Republican Parties that got to the provisional senate within the Provisional Republican Government. Moreover, it would present the interest of the revolutionaries and militaries respectively. Trials to bring democracy still faces other several challenges. Firstly, most Chinese are farmers residing in the interior parts and experiencing hardships in accessing information through televisions and internet sources. Moreover, thereby making it hard for them to come out and ask to be allowed to vote. Secondly, the government is working around the clock to ensure that any group that ere...
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