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"A small tumour, a giant time bomb" by Margaret Wente

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Description

This assignment focuses on critically evaluating what you read. Often, we are asked to write papers that elicit our opinion on a topic, and we place the focus on finding and reading the best sources out there that can help to support our views. But what makes these sources good or not so good? What makes them effective or ineffective? We are rarely asked to comment on the readings that we review during the research and writing process. In this essay assignment your task will be to write a critical response (750 words minimum) where the focus of your essay is your evaluation of a reading: is the reading effective? Does the author succeed in presenting a solid argument? Why or why not?

The subject of your critical response will be ONE of the following texts:

  • 'WA Small Cancer Tumour a Giant Time Bomb" by Margaret Wente (2011) o "Defunding the Police Will Save Black and Indigenous Lives in Canada" by Sandy

Hudson (2020) o "Rethinking Roads can Drive Down Species Decline" by David Suzuki (2020)  o t'Whv Free Tuition Helps all the Wrong Students" by Matthew Lau (2016)

 Your response must include an introduction, 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion. The 3 body paragraphs must be a critical analysis of the article using 3 of the 4 types of criticisms reviewed in our tutorial sessions.

  • Each body paragraph must follow the PEER structure.

 In addition to practicing your analytical skills, this writing assignment requires you to focus on the building blocks of good writing: purpose, unity, coherence, organization, and revision.

     Please familiarize yourself with the grading rubric to understand how your essay will be assessed.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical Response Essay: “A Small Cancer Tumour, a Giant Time Bomb”
Article written by Margaret Wente
Christina Hutchison
Department of English and Communication, George Brown College
COMM1007: College English
Professor: Linda Bamber
Critical Response Essay
In the article, “A small cancer tumour, a giant time bomb," Margret Wente (2011). The latter was diagnosed with a small cancer tumor at an early stage but cannot get proper treatment. The writer argues that cancer could easily be treated, but the healthcare system forces her to undergo chemotherapy since the tumor is small. For instance, Ms. Anzarut is required to purchase drugs costing $40,000, which she cannot afford. In addition to the high cost, Wente indicates that the healthcare system faces “unquenchable consumer demand, an aging population, and a declining base of taxpayers to foot the bills” Wente (2011). Wente emphasizes the need to reform the current healthcare system. However, she makes various evidentiary issues, logical errors, and ethical flaws that adversely affect her claims' credibility.
Wente’s article has evidentiary issues because she fails to support sufficient evidence to support her position. Firstly, the author talks about "new wonder drugs," which have contributed to the increasing healthcare costs (Wente, 2011, para. 7). Here, Wente fails to indicate the specific drugs she refers to as "wonder drugs." Additionally, the writer does not provide data or the price tags of the particular drugs. This makes it challenging to establish how the drugs have escalated healthcare costs. Secondly, Wente (2011) says that the increasing healthcare costs consume “nearly half of all provincial budgets” (para. 9). Wente uses this claim to demonstrate that the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) is a heavy burden and out of control. She wants the reader to see how healthcare has failed to cater to cancer patients despite healthcare being a large consumer of the provisional budget. Wente fails to show where she has obtained the data. As a result, Wente's argument is not based on credible evidence since there is no data to prove her claims. This makes the article less convincing and weakens the author's position on the issue.
Moreover, Wente used illogical fallacies in the article, demonstrating a lack of logic in her arguments. Instead of using logic, the author employs emotions, which overcrowds the opinions she presents. The author indicates that "health care is the vampire that will suck our ch...
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