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Comparing Deism/Naturalism, Nihilism/Existentialism, Pantheism/New Age

Essay Instructions:

Text needed: Sire, J. W. (©2009). The Universe Next Door: A Basic Worldview Catalog (6th ed.)
- Instructions: Students will write a brief paper (2-3 pages) based upon their reading of Sire’s text. These papers are aimed describing the fundamental details of the worldviews assigned. Students should include the central aspects of each assigned worldview, and compare/contrast the two assigned views (week 4 is an exception to the compare/contrast portion as it only has 1 worldview assigned). The papers are informal in nature, meaning they do not require additional sources, or formal language. The papers are as follows:
A. Deism/Naturalism
B. Nihilism/Existentialism
C. Pantheism/New Age
- Deism/Naturalism Portion: In light of your reading in Sire 1-3, write a 2-3 page paper comparing/contrasting deism and naturalism. What are the central assumptions for each worldview? How are they similar? How do they differ? This paper is informal, meaning that it does not require additional sources, and does not require formal language.
- Nihilism/Existentialism Portion: In light of your reading in Sire 5-6, write a 2-3 page paper comparing/contrasting nihilism and existentialism. What are the central assumptions for each worldview? How are they similar? How do they differ? This paper is informal, meaning that it does not require additional sources, and does not require formal language.
- Pantheism/New Age Portion: In light of your reading in Sire 5-6, write a 2-3 page paper comparing/contrasting pantheism and new age thought. What are the central assumptions for each worldview? How are they similar? How do they differ? This paper is informal, meaning that it does not require additional sources, and does not require formal language.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Deism/Naturalism, Nihilism/Existentialism, Pantheism/New age
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Deism/Naturalism, Nihilism/Existentialism, Pantheism/New Age
Deism vs. Naturalism
Central Assumptions
Deism is a critical worldview and a belief that the existence of God relies on rational thoughts, and one does not need to rely on religious authority. It majorly embraces the natural theology concept. It developed to embrace unity in philosophical and theological discussions. Deism comprises specific assumptions that one must understand. The key central claim of deism is that there is God who orders and creates the world. He is responsible for watching life. The second assumption is that God needs people to be fair, nice, and good as they interact (Sire, 2020). Such behaviors are based on religion. The third central aim of life is to feel good and happy. The fourth assumption is that God is not involved in an individual's life. However, he can only be considered whenever one needs a reliable solution to a specific problem. The last conclusion of deism is that those who are good go to heaven after death. Therefore, the five central assumptions guide the belief in deism.
Naturalism is the belief in the eternal existence of matter and without God, and it relates the eternal existence to the cosmos. Besides naturalism, there is continuity of matter, time, and space, which are interlinked. The central assumption of naturalism is that human beings are complex machines, and their personalities are linked to physical and chemical properties. The assumption align with Descartes's ideology which views human beings as part of machines with a definite mind (Sire, 2020). The second assumption is that nothing comes from nothing; there must be a definite source of everything. The two assumptions are critical since they definite basic naturalism.
Despite having significant differences, deism and naturalism share specific similarities. The key similarity between the two beliefs is the proposition of external reality. The proposition denotes that the cosmos exists due to cause and effect (Naturalism). God's cosmos is uniform and determined and relies on cause and effect. Therefore, naturalism and deism share proposition 2(external reality). The second similarity between deism and naturalism is the aspect of knowledge. Deism and naturalism identity that knowledge is not based on any revelation such as God but defined by natural acquisitions of skills. There are no elements of visions, scriptures, or Godly messages that define knowledge. Therefore, the similarities between deism and naturalism are critical should be adequately related.
The key difference is that in deism, the focus is on the basic existence where God plays a significant role in such existence. In naturalism, there is the nature of the cosmos without including God in the equation. Eternal life is defined based on the cosmos. Besides, there must be a reason for the existence of anything in the world. The second difference is that deism embraces GOD and the physical world, while naturalism stresses that only the natural world exists and not God. The third difference is based on the aspect of human beings. Human beings play a significant part in the universe's clockwork and are highly intelligent in deism. On the other hand, naturalism views human beings as machines associated with physical and chemical properties. It also views human beings as a component of the cosmos. Therefore, the identified differences are significant and shape deism and naturalism.
Nihilism vs. Existentialism
Central Assumptions
Nihilism is critical and based on feelings than on philosophies. Besides, it also relies on the solitary stance and a denial of philosophy. It is based on the view that all the values have no primary base, and there is no adequate knowledge or communication on the values. For instance, many nihilists have no belief in almost all activities, and almost all activities are purposeless. Nihilism negates reality, beauty, ethics, and knowledge. For instance, nihilists believe that there are no valid statements or significant meaning. Therefore, the main idea behind nihilism is that everything has no significant purpose. It is justifiable that nihilism makes it hard for individuals to believe specific orientations in the 21st century. The key central assumption of nihilism is that matter is eternal and found everywhere in the universe. The second assumption is that cosmos' uniform operation depends on cause and effect. The two assumptions are significant and relate to naturalism. The assumption bring many conflicts since nihilism is based on belief negation.
Existentialism is also a critical aspect that defines human belief. It is a philosophical belief that justifies that individuals have ...
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