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SLP Analysis Issues And Considerations

Essay Instructions:

Module 4 - SLP


Healthcare organizations encompass many different professionals with a wide range of expertise and talents. Among these professionals we also find a variety of personality types with different propensities toward trying and accepting new technology systems. Of course, to successfully implement and enable technology in healthcare settings, organizational participants must be willing to embrace and use new systems. Accordingly, a significant challenge for the Health Informatics Professional is overcoming resistance innovation and change.

Write a scholarly paper that answer and addresses the following questions/requirements as related to the healthcare organization you selected for your Session Long Project:

How receptive are the members of your organization to using new technology systems?

What factors do you believe motivate members of your organization to use and try new technology systems? Why?

What factors do you believe prevent or discourage members of your organization to use or try new technology systems? Why?

What would you do as a Health Informatics Professional in your organization to gain acceptance and maximize the use of new and emerging information technology?

SLP Assignment Expectations

LENGTH: 2-3 pages typed and double spaced using 12pt Times New Roman font and 1 inch page margins.

The following items will be assessed in particular:

Application of your understanding surrounding the sensitive nature of patient and healthcare information in terms of accuracy, availability, integrity of the data, and privacy including legal and ethical considerations.

Use and application of literature, expert opinion and references from your research to support your position, key points and explanations. Follow APA format for your paper including in-text citations and references.

Your SLP paper will be further evaluated based on the rubric.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Module 4 – SLP ANALYSIS ISSUES AND CONSIDERATIONS Name Institution Date The members of North American healthcare Inc are open to adopting new technologies and the presence of a computer support system makes it easier to integrate the new technology systems in the workplace. The overall reception is critical to the success of change management, and since there is management support organization usage levels are likely to be high among the rank and file employees. New technology systems can improve productivity when there is proper execution of strategy and technology are relevant to organization and user needs. Various privacy and security regulations like Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) have prioritized secure Information Systems, but information sharing affects the ability to implement secure environments (Tulu & Chatterjee, 2003). The members of the organizations understand the importance of innovation and are open to adopting new technology systems especially when they familiarize themselves with these systems. The organization members mainly chose the new technology systems when there is belief that this will improve the way of doing things and rely on accurate data. Even when they have the choice to rely on the systems exclusively when the information systems improve productivity then there is preference for new system. Additionally, management support motivates the employees since their perceptions about the usefulness of the systems are associated with less resistance to change. Ideally, the members should be informed about the new systems, its inner working so that they are familiar with the system, and this makes it possible to learn the new system efficiently. At the same time, the workplace culture supports innovation and is receptive to changes including adopting new technology systems. Members are encouraged to try the new technology systems when they are not familiar with the system, are unaware about the benefits, when functionality is not use friendly and lack of management support New systems may require training and if this is neg...
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