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Gone Girl by Flynn, G. (2014): Dissatisfaction

Essay Instructions:

Essay needs to be written on the book Gone Girl with a thesis about the book

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Gone Girl Name Institution Course Date Gone Girl Introduction Gone Girl by Flynn, G. (2014) is a thriller novel whose main characters are Nick Dunne and his wife Amy Elliott Dunne. Flynn introduces the reader to several topics in the novel such as deceit, revenge, discontent, media, fidelity, manipulation, feminism and marriage among others. The novel is however amplifying the failing institution of marriage in our society. Nick and Amy are trapped in a dysfunctional marriage. As much as Nick is not perfect in his role as a husband in the marriage, he keeps it together during Amy’s disappearance and takes her back in the end. Amy on the other hand, plots her disappearance, frames her husband for her death and leaves her marriage roles thus the title of the novel; Gone Girl. Women are supposed to be their husbands’ companions and helpers in marriage but once they are faced with difficulties in marriage, they lose themselves just like Amy Elliott did and disappeared. She got lost once she lost track of her marriage, the things that she believed in and the things that made her happy. Many marriages therefore fail once women lose themselves and decide to walk out or disappear from their marriages, thus becoming gone girls. Dissatisfaction Women lose themselves in their marriages once they become unhappy and can no longer find meaning in what they believe in and stand for. Amy lost her genuineness to her husband when she started agreeing to the things that she did not like and believe in. Nick decided that they would be moving to Missouri from New York City because he had to take care of his sick mother. Amy was not happy with this decision because Nick did not ask for her opinion. Although he knew that she would have said no, he should have still asked her. This made Amy feel that she had lost her place in making decisions in her marriage because she wishes he had just asked. Furthermore, women want to have a say too and for their husbands to care about what they think. Nick’s decision to move to Missouri was also because of unemployment since they had both lost their jobs. They sold their house at a loss and moved to Missouri leaving Amy dissatisfied with the decision. Amy’s life in New York City was good because she had accomplishments unlike the quiet Missouri. Moreover, Nick uses Amy’s trust fund to open a bar now that they are unemployed whereas he did not ask for her opin...
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