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The History of Slavery and Discuss the Ways in which History Impacts Contemporary Scociety

Essay Instructions:

this is that I'm looking for.. just the four annotated Bibiography with a thesis. Form - Annotated Bibliography Working Thesis: This is what you believe your thesis statement is at this point in your research (may be adjusted as your research/writing unfolds.) • Annotation 1 Bibliographic Citation: Use APA style (be sure to include URL if an internet source) • Author's Name & Credentials: what are his/her credentials (academic degree) - why is this person a credible authority on the subject? • Summary: in your own words, summarize the information you will be using from the source • Analysis: evaluate the merits of the source as it relates to your argument, in other words, how will it support your thesis statement? • Critique: do you agree/disagree and why? • Quote: what is one quote from this source that can be used in your paper? • Annotation 2 Bibliographic Citation: • Author's Name: • Author's Credentials: • Summary: • Analysis: • Critique: • Quote: • Annotation 3 Bibliographic Citation: • Author's Name: • Author's Credentials: • Summary: • Analysis: • Critique: • Quote: • Annotation 4 Bibliographic Citation: • Author's Name: • Author's Credentials: • Summary: • Analysis: • Critique: • Quote: • Annotation 5 Bibliographic Citation: • Author's Name: • Author's Credentials: • Summary: • Analysis: • Critique: • Quote: •

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Investigate the history of slavery and discuss the ways in which history impacts contemporary society
Institution of affiliation
Investigate the history of slavery and discuss the ways in which history impacts contemporary society
Thesis Statement
The study will conduct an empirical investigation of the history of slavery and attempt to determine the impact of slavery on contemporary modern day society.
Annotated Bibliography
King, R. (2006). Recasting African American history. Slavery & Abolition, 27(1), 133-138. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01440390500500054
The study concerns itself with the recognition of African Americans as capable of cognitive thought. The study attempts to explain the community as having intellectual capability.
Miller, J. (2013). The History of Slavery. Slavery...
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