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Analysis of a Theoretical Framework for Leadership

Essay Instructions:
Due Date: Aug 10, 2016 23:59:59 Max Points: 200 Details: Select a book about leadership by a successful leader whom you believe has adopted leadership as a vocation. It can be a book by a well-known individual in the discipline of leadership or a leader in your own field, religion, sport, or another area of personal interest. Students are encouraged to select their book early in the course (at least before the end of Topic 2) to allow time for thoughtful reading and planning for this assignment. In an analysis of 750-900 words, examine the theoretical framework, style, and leadership traits presented in the selected book. Discuss how this particular individual has adopted leadership as a vocation. As a leader, which qualities of this person would you seek to emulate in order to inspire followership? Which shortcomings of this leadership approach would you attempt to overcome? Be sure to cite examples from the book and integrate a minimum of four secondary sources on leadership theory to support your analysis. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. 1) Presents a thorough and fully-developed selection of a book about a leader as well as explanation of why that person chose leadership as a vocation. Offers detailed evidence that justifies conclusions about the selection and explanation. Includes relevant examples and applicable insight. Demonstrates comprehensive subject knowledge and understanding. 2)Presents a thorough and fully-developed examination of the theoretical framework, style, and leadership traits that present in the selected work as well as how the individual has adopted leadership as their vocation. Offers detailed evidence that justifies conclusions about the examination. Includes relevant examples and applicable insight. Demonstrates comprehensive subject knowledge and understanding 3)Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive. The essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear. 4)Clear and convincing argument that presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative. I already picked a book and got approval by teacher is mentioned below: Book Selection: Theoretical Framework for Leadership Title: He is a Firm, Strong-Minded and Empowering Leader, but is she? Gendered Positioning of Female and Male CEOs. Authors: Katila, Saija1 Eriksson, Päivi1 Source: Gender, Work & Organization. Jan2013, Vol. 20 Issue 1, p71-84. 14p I attached as a PDF the book. Thank you
Essay Sample Content Preview:
A Critique on Leadership Style Name Institutional Affiliation A Critique on Leadership Style Organizations are increasingly appreciating the role of leadership in achieving their mission, goals, and objectives. Central to this is an appreciation that different leadership styles significantly influence efforts towards the attainment of the organizational milestones. In this regard, this paper examines the theoretical framework, leadership style and leadership traits as exemplified by a case study of David Wilson as the CEO of Alfa Inc. in He is a Firm, Strong-Minded, and Empowering Leader, but is She? Gendered positioning of Female and Male CEOs. This essay will also examine how the leader practices his vocation while also providing a critique on his leadership style. First, Wilson presents a leadership style characteristic of Fiedler’s situational/contingency framework of leadership. According to Fiedler (2015), a leader’s ability is determined and influenced by their ability to adapt to changing situations. The leader’s capacity to interpret situations, understand them and react appropriately directly affects their success levels. Wilson’s leadership style fits into the situational leadership framework. As the new CEO, Wilson can understand that his new subordinates fear an unprecedented retrenchment. His initiative of assuring employees of their job security and formulating new strategies to cut on managerial costs demonstrates a leader’s capacity to adapt to new situations. As regards leadership traits, the book promotes the desirability of an ethical approach to leadership as a desirable managerial quality. As demonstrated in the book, Wilson’s concern for the welfare of the employees of Alfa Inc. is evident upon his appointment to the position of a CEO. One describes the new CEO as an individual whose skills are "beyond expectations of the local moral order" (Katila & Eriksson, 2013). His ethical approach to leadership, for example, is evident in the manner in which he demonstrates concern for his new subordinates who form the majority of the organization's workforce. While most employees are concerned about their job security following a weak financial year before Wilson’s appointment, the new CEO allays their fears by reassuring them that they would not just be fired under the premise of a low-profit year. His actions comply with Kim and Brymer’s (2011) ideas that ethical leaders are more likely to fulfill the social welfare of their subordinates. According to Nohria and Khurana (2013), leaders ought to have solid conceptual, social and administrative skills whenever they act in a managerial context. These skills go a long way in providing the requisite influence and capacity to manage employees. Avolio and Yammarino (2013) further argue that a leader’s social skills should be used in such a manner that it does not demean the esteem of members of a group. For instance, Wilson’s leadership approach conforms to this expectation. His conceptual skills show through his recognition that the new employees fear for their jobs. Furthermore, his superior social skills enable him to communicate Alfa Inc.'s poor financial situation to subordinates effectively. Apparently, his social skills even ensure that his confidence ...
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