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Discussion 6 LIT Assignment: The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot

Essay Instructions:

Select one of the assigned readings for this week and find a piece of art or music which you feel connects to or represents the reading. Your selection may come from any period in history. If you select a piece of art, please include a cited link to an image of the piece. If you select a song please include a cited link to the lyrics or an auditory version. In your response discuss how you see the artistic or musical piece as relating to the reading (you may want to consider characteristics of Post-Modernist writing as well as the historical context if necessary). 
James Joyce
James Joyce Video
"The Dead"
T.S. Eliot
"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
"The Wasteland"

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Waste Land
The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot
The late 20th century came with a rather influential twist in the way various artists and people were willing to express themselves. It was a departure from modernism which is an era that can be traced back to the late 19th and early 20th century (Keep, McLaughlin, & Parmar, 2016). Postmodernism was a time when people wanted to depart from the rationalism that came before (Keep, McLaughlin, & Parmar, 2016). It is also a time that artists wanted to guide the people into an era, where they could think and act freely of the social ideologies and narratives that had been embedded in the society for decades (Keep, McLaughlin, & Parmar, 2016).
One of the postmodernism artists that had some significant impact in the society at the time, is T.S. Eliot (Poetryfoundation.org, 2016). His poems are widely regarded even to date with reference to mo...
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