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Argumentative Essay: Should Tobacco Be Outlawed?

Essay Instructions:

Argumentative Essay Instructions for ESL 1069

  1.  Description
    1. An argumentative essay contains an introductory paragraph providing background information about the debatable subject, organized from general to particular related information, followed by the argumentative thesis statement.  Additional body paragraphs contain evidence, statistics, emotional anecdote and the opposing viewpoint with counterargument.  The concluding paragraph restates the student’s position and makes a call to action or agreement.  An argumentative essay is useful for persuading and is fundamental to success in college and the workplace.  When writing an argumentative essay, use your own words and quote reliable sources supported by statistics, evidence and emotional stories.  The instructor will assign the topic and provide the article.


  1.  Structure

The steps for writing an argumentative essay are:

A)  Introduction Paragraph

  1. The first sentences of the argumentative essay establish the background for the subject, organized from general to particular details.
  2. Include a sentence which establishes common ground with the opposing viewpoint.
  3. The final statement of the argumentative essay contains the thesis statement, which should declare the student’s debatable opinion on the subject.

B)    Paragraphs 2-4

  1.  The topic sentences of each body paragraph should include statistics, logical evidence, emotional anecdote, and an opposing view to the argument.
  2. In each body paragraph, the subsequent sentences should refer specifically to the topic sentence with supportive details given in the form of quotes from reliable sources, personal narrative,  convincing evidence and reasonable explanations to support the thesis. 

C)    Paragraph 5/Conclusion Paragraph

 Finally, the argument should conclude with a restatement of the student’s viewpoint, with more specific references, and a call to action or agreement.  The conclusion can warn of consequences of inaction, or can point to future possibilities for positive change

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Argumentative Essay: Should tobacco be outlawed?
Argumentative Essay: Should tobacco be outlawed?
In 2010, the nation of Bhutan shocked the world after it became the first country to outlaw the use, production, and sale of tobacco. The small nation instituted very strict laws that were meant to deter the citizens from growing, selling or even using tobacco related products. However, with time, the laws were relaxed, and finally, the use and possession of tobacco was made legal. Bhutan’s story led to the reincarnation of the tobacco debate. The tobacco debate has indeed been in existence for a long time, and as it stands, a common ground is yet to be reached. The antagonists of the debate often cite death as well as other effects such as fires and accidents. Conversely, the protagonists argue that the economy would significantly suffer and a lot of people would be rendered jobless. Both sides table convincing arguments, but as it will be discussed, the protagonists of the debate often seem to trample the views of the antagonists. However, the above should not be taken to mean that the protagonists value money more than life. On the contrary, they do value life, but as it will be illustrated, there are other dangerous activities which claim lives as well but are yet to be termed illegal. Therefore, this article inclines towards the protagonists and seeks to provide concrete evidence to back their claims.
The US government, for example, collected more than $40 billion in tobacco tax revenue in 2013 alone. Reports also suggest that the US government has received more than $500 billion in tobacco tax revenue since 1998. These numbers are indeed high and countable business ventures can claim to have amassed as much revenue. Banning tobacco will expunge these numbers from our economy, and the burden of raising such funds will be left on the shoulders of the citizens. Additionally, government spending will have to be cut for a significant amount of time before the deficit in the budget can be raised. This means that the country will be plunged into disarray and will take a lot of time before it manages to get back to its earlier economic state.
Aside from the tax revenue cuts, the economy will also be significantly affected with thousands of farmers, and industrial workers rendered jobless. Reports suggest that as of 2013, 13570 people were employed in the tobacco industry. Eac...
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