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Annotated Bibliography: Childhood Obesity Adult Morbidities

Essay Instructions:

Writing Assignment #2 will be a critical annotated bibliography of 12 sources.

In this assignment you will write a list of at least 12 references in alphabetical order in APA format. In addition,

each reference will be followed by a short analytical summary of 150-200 words.

At the end of the short summary, you will include a sentence or two that critically analyzes the source and that

mentions distinctive features about the article and why it may or may not be useful for you in writing a literature


I will attach some sources to use please locate the remainder of scholarly sources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical Annotated Bibliography
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Critical Annotated Bibliography
Biro, F. M., & Wien, M. (2010). Childhood obesity and adult morbidities. Childhood obesity and adult morbidities , 91 (5), 1499-1505.
The factors associated with obesity in children according to the article include the interactions of genes, the environment, physical exercise level, and dietary intake. Obesity in children can lead to an earlier puberty in girls, a rise in metabolic incidences in girls in adults and youths, and type 2 diabetes. In addition, obesity during childhood can mean the problem persists into adulthood. In the US, just like in many other countries in the world, those that have limited resources are disproportionately affected by obesity. As such, people with lower economic status are affected more by obesity compared to others in the society. Apart from examining the causes and effects of the epidemic, authors offer recommendations. From the article, the best approach is environmental and lifestyle interventions. The paper also adopts some recommendations by the American Academy of Pediatrics including a reduction in TV time, regular exercise, limited consumption of food with sugars, among others.
This article mentions that earlier puberty in girls can be as a result of childhood obesity. It will thus be useful in literature review.
Eyler, A. A., Nguyen, L., Kong, J., Yan, Y., & Brownson., R. (2012). Patterns and predictors of enactment of state childhood obesity legislation in the United States: 2006–2009. American journal of public health , 102 (12), American journal of public health.
The article reviews childhood obesity-related state policies between 2006 and 2009. The authors note the prevalence of the epidemic in the country is documented properly and from statistics, about 12.5 million and adolescents and children are obese. The authors also note that in the long-term, childhood obesity has substantial economic and societal costs due to population health decline. The findings of the research show that about a quarter of the bills enacted at the state level focused on physical education, food policy in schools, and access to physical activity by the community. The findings also show that the policies surrounding nutrition content or safe school routes were more likely to be enacted. In addition, policies that sought to label menus or products were less likely to be passed. It is the conclusion of the authors that there is a need for advocacy efforts to make policy makers prioritize childhood obesity-related bills.
The article offers important statistics about policies enactment at state level and will thus be important in developing the literature review.
Farley, T. A., & Dowell, D. (2014). Preventing childhood obesity: what are we doing right? American journal of public health , 104 (9), 1579-1583.
The authors note that the last decade has seen a decline in childhood obesity prevalence in New York City. In particular, a significant reduction was witnessed in the children who are youngest. Such reduction is attributed to changes in school and daycare policies, messages from the media, demographics, and community and family consumption. The authors point out that the decline cannot be attributed solely to one factor. However, family consumption changes as a result of messages from the media and adjustment in policies in care centers and schools have played a major role in the reduction. The article offers some important statistics about obesity in children in New York City. Demographics has been shown to be a critical factor in the changes in childhood obesity prevalence. Another important factor that is pointed by the authors as a factor in the reduction of childhood obesity is breastfeeding changes.
This source will be important for the literature since it shows something positive about the efforts towards reducing the epidemic.
Frieden, T. R., Dietz, W., & Collins, J. (2010). Reducing childhood obesity through policy change: acting now to prevent obesity. Health Affairs , 29 (3), 357-363.
The article points out that the prevalence of the epidemic in the US is likely to lead to higher rates of chronic illnesses. The authors also note that children that remain obese after age six have a 50% chance of becoming obese when they become adults. This, according to the article, is irrespective of the obesity status of the parents. In order to deal with the problem, it is necessary that socioeconomic factors such as education and health be addressed. Addressing of such important factors can have a big influence on the health status of the population. For long-term success, it is essential that other sectors beyond public health be engaged in fighting the pandemic. An example of these sectors includes agriculture, transportation, and education. Food policies can also be instrumental in fighting the epidermic as it can lead to improvement of nutrition. Such policies can include shifting food exposure and altering prices. In addition, the image of healthy food can be improved in order to attract consumption by children.
The article focuses on policy interventions that can be used to fight obesity in children. It will be important in developing literature review.
Gurnani, M., Birken, C., & Hamilton, J. (2015). Childhood obesity: causes, consequences, and management. Pediatric Clinics of North America , 62 (4), 821-840.
According to the article, the increase in obesity prevalence among children in the recent decades is a health burden, not only in the present but also in the future. The authors make references to other works pointing out that severe obesity, particularly in young children, is on the rise. The authors mention a number of factors that is attributed to childhood obesity including physical activity level, nutritional intake, genetics, and the physical and the social environment. Pathological causes are also mentioned in the article. Apart from examining the causes associated with obesity in children, the authors also examine the comorbidities of the epidemic. These consequences include stress, low body image and self-esteem, bullying, depression, anxiety, and social withdrawal. Another consequence of the epidemic is poor performance in school. Another distinctive feature of the article is that it offers pharmacologic approaches that can be used to deal obesity in children.
The article is unique and offers research into the issue from a medical perspective. It will thus be useful in the completion of the literature review.
Jones, E. S. (2010). Understanding state policy to prevent childhood obesity: A qualitative analysis of facilitators and barriers. Ann Arbor: Proquest.
The author begins by recognizing that obesity is a big health challenge in the nation. The control and prevention of obesity, according to the article, can be a strategy in the reduction of burdens of serious diseases including gout, some cancers, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis, and stroke. In order to prevent obesity, environmental and policy changes are necessary. Changes in policy at the state level can play a role in promoting healthy behavior. Policy changes, also, according to the article can lead to increase in resources for addressing obesity problems. The author also points out that policy changes can have an influence on the norms of the public. The major focus of the study was policy interventions at state levels that are tailored towards addressing public health as well as childhood obesity. The article points out that the control and prevention of obesity can be addressed by advocates, practitioners, and policy makers at the state level.
There is more focus by the article on obesity in general. Therefore it will not be used in writing the literature review.
Klein, J. D., & Dietz, W. (2010). Childhood obesity: the new tobacco. Health Affairs , 29 (3), 388-392.
The authors point out that childhood obesity is a serious problem in America and to o...
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