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Argumentative Essay On Lotte Shouldn’t Be Boycotted

Essay Instructions:

Order topic: argumentative essay
page needed 3-5 page (at least 3 full pages) double space 12 frontsize, 1in margins
This essay type is an argumentative essay
topic: Should we boycott the LOTTE company (In China. I'm Chinese, USA set up a missile defense system in Korea, Lotte gave them to set up this Saad system)
My stand point: Disagree
I already used Chinese and wrote down a proposal point of view, write based on that.
Need to use thos, logos, pathos, rebuttals to write, and have to accord to the resources, it has to support the argument. (My document introduced about what is logos, ethos, pathos)
Not just only about the essay, you have to add a paragraph to state that how this essay showed you used the element of the logos (logical)pathos (emotional)和ethos(credibility)
So the length of this essay should be 950~1000 words, the rest 1~200 words has to be a paragraph about how you used the logos pathos ethos, rebuttals

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Lotte Shouldn’t be boycotted
Institutional Affiliation
South Korean retail goliath Lotte consented to give land to have a questionable US rocket missile framework abhorred by Beijing (Klingner, 2015). Being South Korea's fifth-greatest organization, it has received a lot of pressure from China, a pivotal market. The South Korean government chose a year ago to send the US Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) framework because of the North Korean rocket danger, ashore that is a piece of a green claimed by Lotte in the Seongju district, southeast of Seoul. The leading group of unlisted Lotte International Co Ltd endorsed the arrangement with the legislature, and the service and Lotte were because of consent to an arrangement. However, China items to the arrangement in South Korea of the THAAD, which has a capable radar equipped for infiltrating Chinese territory (Lee, 2016). Chinese state media as of late cautioned the Lotte Group, that it would confront serious outcomes on the off chance that it permitted its property to be utilized for the rocket framework.
The deal to relinquish the golf course for the development of the THAAD project is a huge move within the Chinese land. It should be noted that the transactions made during the process are majorly about business and are not in any way associated with the invasion of another country. My stand is that the Lotte Company should not be boycotted because of the state of globalization today. Globalization promotes the trade interactions between two or more countries and hindering this will lead to a setback in the trade interactions between the two countries. Trade is meant to promote the economies of the two countries involved in the trade and stopping the transaction would lead to the decline of the Chinese economy. A good example is how iPhones are made in China but are majorly recognized as a product from the United States. The same way this happens is the way through which Lotte will be setting up a missile camp in China. The employees to run the THAAD base will also be from China thus job opportunities will be created for them (Klingner, 2015). This will help solve the unemployment crisis. The actual investor and operator of the Lotte Company are Chinas and not Korean as many people would think hence it would be pointless to boycott a company with people from their native land. Due to this facts, I believe that the boycott is not necessary.
The initiative to boycott Lotte also has a cultural effect on the Korean culture (Lee, 2016). The fact that it is a Korean company will lead to people forming anti-Korean sentiments. The development of these sentiments may cause unrest within some people who may decide to be patriotic for the wrong reasons. Patriots filled in with wrong news can turn out to be a thorn towards the public property because of the malignant courses of action that they may decide to take. They may take the acts of using the Lotte products to be unpatriotic hence they may decide to vandalize it. For example, news that may spur unrest within the Korean people is that of Dongbin Xin being interviewed b...
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