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Should Animal Testing be Abolished?

Essay Instructions:

ASSIGNMENT: Following the Topic Selection Guidelines below, choose an argumentative topic to research. This will be your topic throughout the entire course, so the activities required for this assignment will provide the foundation for your future Touchstones. The topic for an argumentative research paper must be a debatable topic, meaning that it involves conflicting viewpoints. Additionally, it cannot be a topic that is already decided or agreed upon by most of society. You will need to take a firm position on the topic and use evidence and logic to support the position. Touchstone 1.2 includes a research question, a working thesis, a detailed outline, and a reflection on this pre-writing process.

DIRECTIONS: You may choose any topic you wish as long as the topic has two clear sides and is not agreed upon by most of society. Your topic should be current, appropriate for an academic context and should have a focus suitable for a 5-7 page essay.

C. Reflection Questions

DIRECTIONS: Below your assignment, include answers to all of the following reflection questions.

Learning to conduct research is important because it is a skill you will use both in academia and in your professional life. It improves critical thinking and empowers you to find information for yourself. Consider the process of researching as a whole. What was the most challenging aspect of the process for you? (2-3 sentences)

The working thesis statement is a proposed answer to your research question. It should clearly identify a debatable topic and take a position on one side of that topic. Analyze the effectiveness of your working thesis statement. (3-4 sentences)

A detailed outline is an effective tool for laying out the progression of an argument. It allows you to consider the arrangement and organization of your ideas, as well as choose places to incorporate outside source materials. Review your detailed outline and summarize the argument you've presented. (3-4 sentences)

You will use the same topic on three of the remaining Touchstones in this course. What kind of feedback would be helpful for you? What are specific questions you might have as you go deeper into the research process? (2-3 sentences)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Should Animal Testing be Abolished?
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Student’s Name
Should Animal Testing be Abolished?
Research Question: Should animal testing be allowed to continue, or should it be abolished altogether?
Working Thesis Statement: By factoring in considerations such as ethical, viability, and legal implications, animal testing should be allowed to continue without the imposition of any limitations.
Detailed Outline
I. Working Thesis: By factoring in considerations such as ethical, viability, and legal implications, animal testing should be allowed to continue without the imposition of any hindrances.
* Animal testing is a topic that continues to generate heated debates all over the world regarding whether it should be allowed to continue or not. It refers to the use of animals for scientific research. Over the years, animal testing has become tremendously widespread; for instance, in the United States, an estimated 26 million animals are used yearly for scientific and commercial testing.
* On the flip side, the practice continues to raise significant concerns. Opponents contend that the practice is at odds with ethical and moral principles. They believe that using animal research is cruel and uncalled for. As such, they take a hard-line stance that the practice should be abolished altogether or the enforcement of strict adherence to a set of guidelines.
* Source 1: (ProCon. Org, 2020)
II. Ethical Considerations: Benefits of animal testing far outweigh the rights that animals should be accorded. It is possible to conduct the practice within the confines of ethical principles
* Ethical Parameters: There exist several ethical parameters within which researchers should conduct implications to the stock and the ecosystem. Suggestions abound that researchers ought to use guidelines such as the 3Rs when using animals for experimentation.
* Biological Diversity: Researchers must ensure that animal testing does not threaten biological diversity.
* Animal testing saves animals, too: The practice qualifies as ethical since it saves millions of animals.
Source 1: (The Norwegian National Research Ethics Committee, 2018).
III. Viability of animal testing: Animal testing has been in use for many years and has effectively contributed to the vast improvement of medical services in human beings.
* The benefits of animal testing to human beings include the invention of major treatments. In addition, animal testing has helped to develop safe vaccines.
* Benefits of animal testing to animals: Animals, too, benefit from testing in several ways.
* Lack of adequate alternative methods: Research has shown that there are no alternative testing methods that researchers can use efficaciously.
Source 1: (ProCon. Org, 2020).
Source 2: (Massey, 2015).
1V. Legal implications: animal testing falls within the legal loop, and several laws govern it
* Laws governing animal testing.
* Enforcement of the laws.
* Advantages of the ...
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