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Policy Solutions for Food Insecurity Problem in Mississippi

Essay Instructions:

Scenario Based on an invitation from a key decision maker, you will prepare a persuasive policy memo that analyzes your issue from the perspective of that decision maker and presents specific policy-related recommendations with a clear objective. The goal is to not only gain experience with the process of influencing public policy, but also critiquing and reflecting on that policy. Your memo will be 3-4 pages (6 pages max) and must include appropriate APA citations. This document will persuade the decision maker you have targeted that the actions you have recommended are feasible and beneficial both to the populations affected by the problem you have outlined and to the decision maker themself. Be sure the recommendations you suggest are within the purview of your target audience. The HPI standard format for a policy memo includes the following sections: 1. A descriptive title 2. An executive summary + 2-3 opening paragraphs that provide the “hook” 3. Relevant background 4. Findings (including both evidence and analysis) 5. Conclusion and Recommendations 6. Bibliography (can be on a separate page) Parameters • Format the document as a formal business memo (To, From, Date, Subject) • Include your real name and the position title “Policy Analyst: Heinz Policy Institute” in the “From:” line of the memo header • Direct the memo to a real government official – including formal address, name, and position title – with decision-making authority pertaining to your recommendation (should be the same audience from your Audience Analysis assignment • Use inclusive language, a storytelling approach, and rhetorical appeals • Use consistently formatted headings, subheadings, and bullets to organize content; use columns and negative space to improve readability • Consider presenting data-heavy information visually, using appropriately labeled graphs, tables or charts, with emphasis on readability • Write a single-spaced memo, expectation is 3-4 pages (including citations, maximum of 6 pages) • Include page numbers in the footer • Cite sources according to APA format Use the topic that I choose, which is about the food insecurity in Mississippi. Please know that my target audience is governor Tate Reeves (the decision maker)from Mississippi. You can include some information from the Policy Brief.docx but please write the essay in a style that you think is great. Because I have too many topic covered (food insecurity, poverty)in my previous assignment. But the professor took point off from that. Try to be focus and target to the governor. Put some graphs in. Use bullet points. Make it readable. Check out the policy memo case example. HPI stands for the organization that I work in. Remember "analyzes your issue from the perspective of that decision maker and presents specific policy-related recommendations with a clear objective. Thank you a lot.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Position: Governor 
Cc: The State Government 
From: xxx,Policy Analyst, _________
Date: October 7, 2022
Policy Solutions for Food Insecurity Problem in Mississippi
Key Findings
* Mississippi is the least healthy state in the United States of America (USA), with a 15.7 % food insecurity level (Americas Health Rankings, 2022). The state’s levels are way higher than the national average, which is 11.1%. In addition, the healthiest state, New Hampshire is at 6.6 % (American Health Rankings, 2022).
* Low-income, minority-dominated areas are the most vulnerable to food insecurity in the state (Cooper, 2020).
* 483,700 residents of Mississippi face hunger, and 144,320 of them are children. Additionally, one in six adults and one in five children living in the state struggle with food insecurity problem (Feeding America, n.d.).
* The major causes of food insecurity in the state include:
1 Ineffective farming and nutrition transition programs.
2 Poverty's effect on food affordability.
3 Inadequate infrastructural development to facilitate the transportation of food materials from stores to the neighborhoods
4 Ineffective importation programs - Mississippi imports 90% of its food despite being one of the agricultural regions in the country (Hossfeld & Mendez, 2018).
Background of the Problem
Mississippi is among the states in the USA facing the highest levels of food insecurity. The situation has persisted over the past eight years and may continue if there are no adequate interventions. Hunger and food insecurity drag the state's progress as they prevent productivity, cause fatalities, and degrade the residents' living standards. Therefore, there is a need for urgent interventions, which can increase food security and reduce hunger cases. State and local leadership can play a significant role in improving the situation. Mississippi is facing a crisis, and the governor can solve the problem through investment in agriculture, job creation, infrastructural development, and improved importation programs.
The USA has been ineffective in handling food insecurity within and outside its borders and needs to take state-level interventions. In 2021, nearly 34 million people still lived in households with food deficiency (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2021). About 5 million children come from homes struggling with food insecurity (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2021). In this case, food insecurity refers to an inadequate or substantial reduction in food intake. American Health Rankings (2022) explain that the problem could severely affect a person's mental and physical stress. Children could experience physical and mental developmental issues because of inadequate meals. Studies associate such conditions with anemia, asthma, depression, and anxiety (American Health Rankings, 2022). Additionally, the challenge leads to low productivity, increased school dropout rates, and high health care costs. Food insecurity is a severe problem in the United States, perpetuating health, social, and economic problems (American Health Rankings, 2022). The United States needs to address the issue by implementing sustainable prevention measures at the state level.
(Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2021)
Mississippi is in urgent need of food insecurity interventions. Research suggests that low-income, minority-dominated areas are the most vulnerable (Cooper, 2020). The state has many poor neighborhoods in urban and rural areas. A study by American Health Rankings (2022) classifies Mississippi as the least healthy state, with a 15.7 % food insecurity level. The average for the country is 11.1%, while the healthiest state, New Hampshire, has levels as low as 6.6 % (American Health Rankings, 2022). Feeding America indicates that 483,700 residents of Mississippi face hunger, and 144,320 of them are children. One in six adults and one in five children living in the state struggle with food insecurity problem (Feeding America, n.d.). Based on these statistics, Mississippi is highly vulnerable. Thus, it needs effective and sustainable solutions to the problem.
(Source: Feeding America, n.d.)
Findings (Evidence and Analysis)
1 Ineffective Farming Programs and Nutrition Transition as Influencing Factors
Ineffective farming programs and nutrition transition are some major causes of the Mississippi food shortage. Despite the state being one of the agricultural richest regions in the country, it imports 90% of its foods (Hossfeld & Mendez, 2018). Hossfeld and Mendez (2018) explain that most farmers plant commodity crops, mainly soybean and cotton. Therefore, they use the land for cash crops, reducing the availability of food in the state. The state's nutrition transition also affects its food security. Most of the staple food in Mississippi include sugars, animal products, and vegetable oils. Therefore, they lack the necessary nutrients from vegetables and fruits. Dietary habits are deteriorating people's health and fueling obesity within the state (Hossfeld & Mendez, 2018). Thus, there is a significant need to change the state's agriculture methods and nutrition habits.
Improved agricultural programs can solve the food insecurity program in the state. Farming increases the supply of crops and animals, leading to sustainable food production strategies. The United States has significantly changed its agricultural methods since World War II (Hossfeld & Mendez, 2018). The country has seen increased mechanization, a shift in policies, the adoption of large-scale production, and improved technologies (Hossfeld & Mendez, 2018). The changes have been effective in providing food for the rapidly growing population. Mississippi should adopt similar methods or improve the current ones. Improved farming methods can offset the food shortage in Mississippi. Large-scale production would increase the quality and quantity of crops and animals, thus reducing the price of food.
2 Poverty's Effect on Food Shortage
Low income or poverty is another cause of the desperate situation in Mississippi. Many people in the state are poor, especially those in rural areas. Delta (2022) explains that 20.3% of people in Mississippi live under poverty conditions (Delta, 2022). Therefore, many of these residents cannot afford adequat...
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