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Shopping Online Vs. Traditional Shopping

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Essay Compare/Contrast "

Subject: Compare contrast "Shopping online with traditional shopping"

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Running head: SHOPPING1
Shopping: Traditional vs. Online
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Shopping: Traditional vs. Online
Shopping has existed in modern society. Many products and services have been marketed and promoted to customers in numerous innovative ways. To enter new markets and maintain a sizable customer base, producers and service providers develop sales and marketing strategies. Traditionally, producers and service providers have relied on conventional marketing and advertising channels such as TV, radio, print publications, and in-store ads and installations. The Internet has, however, changes rules of engagement radically. In place of products and services offered to customers in a few markets and promoted in astronomical budgets, online platforms have ushered in unprecedented opportunists for producers/service providers and customers. Instead of waiting for customers to come, producers/service providers are now capturing customer’s attention everywhere: at the home, office, school, and public space. To understand how shopping has come a long way, a closer examination of conventional and online shopping is necessary. For current purposes, conventional and online shopping are compared and contrasted to show ways shopping has evolved in a journey spanning decades.
The conventional/online shopping dyad has received enough attention in recent years. Given how shopping is a complex economic activity, industry analysts have made a case for similarities in conventional and online shopping share, notwithstanding different media and strategies, conventional and online shopping centers, in essence, on expanding the customer base with an ultimate end of increasing corporate revenue. That is, each is only a vehicle, marketing-wise, to increase a company’s market share and, ultimately, profits. Companies relying on marketing and promotion professionals ensure customers enjoy a &ldquo...
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