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Physical activities help improve health for children and adults

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of the Organization Essay is to apply the tools learned in Unit 3 on Organization to write an organized essay that has both focus and shape.

Here are the details:

Do some brainstorming, freewriting, reaction, etc. to come up with an essay topic. It could be a topic from your Reader Response in the last Unit, or it can be a whole different topic.

When you get a specific topic, create a thesis using the Topic + Claim About Topic = Thesis formula in this unit. Also, consider the tools of audience and expectation for this essay. The audience is going to be your instructor, but you might be thinking of other readers as well. The expectation is this is a formal college essay.

Now that you have your thesis, spend some time thinking of at least 3 points to support the thesis. You should have at least 3 points for an essay this size but no more than 5.

Develop an outline where you have your introduction, the body made up of 3 to 5 points and a conclusion.

Now that you have an outline, you will write your essay. This is just a matter of writing in the details for each of the points that you listed in your outline.

After writing your essay, spend some time revising and editing. Are there points you want to add or go more in-depth with to support your thesis? Did you proofread for mechanical errors?

Give the essay a title.

This essay will be 2 full pages using the MLA Style formatting guidelines that you used on the Personal Narrative in Unit 1.

You do not need to do any research for this essay. You may write on a topic you are familiar with so that you can use your own knowledge and experience to support the thesis. The Research Paper in Unit 7 is where you will have to use research. At this point, you may use all your own knowledge in developing the content of this Organization Essay.

Although you may develop your own thesis, here are some ideas for a potential thesis that you may choose from if you need some help coming up with something. The ideas below give the claim, you would just put your own topic in the blank. These ideas could be modified to suit your needs as well. They are just ideas to help get you started.

1.______________is the most environmentally friendly vehicle in today's crowded society.

(You could choose a vehicle you consider friendly to the environment and put it in the above blank as your topic. When reading with the claim, you would have your thesis)

2.__________ is the most desirable location to raise a family.

3.__________ is a career path that would provide flexibility in today's changing economy.

4. ­­­­­­­­___________ is the most effective method for learning in college.


Organization Essay

Organization Essay

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOpening and closing strategies/Introduction and conclusion

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNarrowly defined Thesis statement

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody Paragraphs/Topic Sentences

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEditing/Proofreading

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics/Technical Areas-effective spelling, sentence structure, correct punctuation. Proofreading

20 pts

Total Points: 100


( I. Introduction

Topic: Older dogs

Thesis: Older dogs make better pets for families than puppies.

Attention Grabber: A story about older dogs not being adopted in shelters as frequently as younger dogs.

Signposting: They make better pets for families because they are more obedient, more loyal and less destructive

All put together, the introduction might read like this: "During my years volunteering at the local animal shelter, I've noticed a pattern. I can never get attached to the younger dogs because within a week, they find homes through adoptions. At the same time, I've formed many close relations with older dogs because it is rare for them to be adopted. I see those same old dogs for months or sometimes years, and I see the sad look as families pass them by for the younger dogs. I have to wonder the reason for their being left behind. While I'm sometimes glad to see the misbehaving puppies leave with their new families, I see the good characteristics of those older dogs. It is a shame that more families do not see this because older dogs do make better pets for families than puppies. They would make such good pets because they are more obedient, more loyal and less destructive."

II.Body: This is where the writer gives evidence to support the thesis about older dogs. Most of the writing and length of the essay is in this section. Each section might be just one paragraph, or it might be multiple paragraphs. It just depends upon how much detail you are putting into each section. However, whenever you start a new point below, you will begin that new point by starting a new paragraph.

More obedient-Here the writer puts all the details, examples, data, etc. to show older dogs are more obedient

More loyal- This is where the writer gives all details to show loyalty

Less destructive-This is where all the details for less destructive goes.

III. Conclusion: In this last section, the writer will communicate closure for the essay.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Organization Essay Assignment
Topic: Physical activities
Thesis: Physical activities help improve health for children and adults
Physical activities are critical for both children and adults. Kids require exercises to help them develop better habits that will last a lifetime; this necessitates the need to establish an active, healthy lifestyle early in life. Additionally, adults also require exercises to facilitate their well-being and protect themselves from predictable health conditions. Children and adults have different physical activities; for example, infants would be required to participate in pushing, pulling, and crawling. Additionally, young children would participate in activities such as gymnastics, soccer, and gymnastics. Besides, adults may participate in different exercises such as hiking, bike riding, running, and dance. Physical activities help in improving health for children and adults.
Weight management
Physicals activities help individuals to manage their weight. Ordinarily, being overweight is uncomfortable and can damage one’s health. Participating in both scheduled and unscheduled exercises would help prevent excess weight gain by preventing body fat accumulation. Besides, people are at risk of gaining weight after consuming food and taking drinks with a high level of calories; however, engaging in intense physical activities may help burn the calories, thus preventing weight gain. Furthermore, individuals would also use exercises to regulate and maintain their desired weight over time. Engaging in regular to intense physical activities would be used in reducing large amounts of weight.
Reduce h...
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