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Results of Emotional Intelligence Quiz

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Requirements:

Take the Emotional Intelligence (EI) quiz: see quiz result that I attached

Take some time to look at the Goleman & Boyatzis (2017) and EI Strategies readings(attached).

Then produce a written report to include the following:

1.Provide your score reported on the EI quiz results page. Discuss your score. What does each domain and competency within each domain mean to you?

2.What are your strengths? Do you agree with this analysis? Why or why not? Provide specific examples from your life experience. How can your strengths contribute to your group project? How can you play to your strengths when working with the group?

3.What are your weaknesses? Once again, do you agree with this analysis? Why or why not? Provide specific examples. How can these weaknesses threaten the success of your group?

4.Review the EI Strategies reading in light of your results. What strategies seem particularly useful to you? Do any seem easy to implement? Are there any that you already practice? Do any seem unattainable? You may have to do some (BREIF!) further research to understand these strategies. What strategies do you seek to improve? How can these lead to better EI scores and a better group project experience?

5.Come up with a plan. Identify a couple of strategies you hope to work on this semester (3-5). Discuss how you plan to implement these strategies and how you plan to hold yourself accountable.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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EI quiz results
I scored eight on the self-awareness domain. It is the key to emotional intelligence and comprises of three aspects. They include accurate self-assessment, emotional self-awareness, and self-confidence. Understanding these concepts plays an important role in an individual ability to become self-reflective.
I scored six in the self-management competency. Self-management refers to an individual's ability to control their emotions in a way that brings a positive impact in their lives. It involves self-control, transparency, adaptability, achievement orientation, and initiative. An individual's ability to manage these aspects determines their level of self-management.
I scored eight in the social awareness competency. It refers to an individual's ability to understand and appreciate the environment around them. It involves taking concern in other people's issues, navigate the organizational life, and meeting customer needs.
I scored five in the relationship management domain. The competency indicates an individual's ability to develop other people, lead groups by influencing people to embrace change and conflict management. It is a representation of collaboration and teamwork.
My strengths lie in the self-awareness and social-awareness competencies because I scored the highest. I agree with the analysis because I find it easy to control my emotions whenever working in a group. I achieve this by understanding and appreciating the needs of other people within the group. An example where I have shown my strengths before is during a class group discussion. Throughout the sessions, I would take into acc...
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