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Sending a Letter to a Friend about an Issue

Essay Instructions:

Prompt # 2
Come up with a topic or issue that you and a person that you know do not quite agree about.
Write a letter from the perspective of this person defending his or her view or stance. Write a second letter from YOUR perspective in which you respond to letter #1. Write a third letter in which your chosen person responds to your letter. Write a fourth letter in which you respond to letter # 3. There should be a total of four letters. This paper should be written as a series of letters.
For all three prompts, I urge you to confine your subject choices to those that in some manner bear upon your world. You might, for example, argue about a topic or issue that concerns your family, workplace, friends, classes or classmates. In doing so, you are more likely to compose a livelier, more impassioned argument.
General Ingredients or words of advice:
Avoid reducing issues to two neat and tidy sides. Topics, or arguments for that matter, are rarely neat and tidy. Ephron, for example, acknowledges “a range of existing beliefs among communities that have a stake in [the] question.”
For example, how do journalists regard the photos? How do newspaper readers regard the photos? Positions may come to seem more reasonable and topics more interesting when we consider these topics from a host of perspectives, rather than our single perspective.
As you argue, it is fruitful to include the following in your argument:
A personal narrative or personal reflections that relate how you came to take the position that you have taken or how you came to be touched by or interested in or concerned about this topic. In other words, discuss or incorporate your personal history or association with this topic into your argument. Let us know how familiar or unfamiliar you may be with your topic. How did it come to fascinate you? Lay out all the facts with regard to how you experienced this topic.
Include questions to challenge your partner or letter writer or reader.
Employ several angles. One angle might be comparison and contrast. Another angle might be cause and effect. All claims that you make in your essay must be followed by evidence.
Relevant evidence from your observations, discussions with acquaintances and personal experience to support or illustrate your claims and reasons, Anecdotes, quotes.
You might consider your subject from an historical perspective. How had you/ an earlier society once regarded this subject?
As you write, let your topic or perspective generate further questions, further speculations, and further theories.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Argumentative Essay
Student’s Name
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Argumentative Essay
Dear Edward,
How have you been my good friend? It has been quite a while since I heard from you, but I know you have been busy trying to adapt to your new job.
Now, I have a nagging issue that has detained my mind for the last few days. I have really wracked my brain trying to find a way to navigate through the issue and I have ultimately reached a decision. About two weeks ago, I stumbled upon Brandon’s wife in the company of another man and a very compromising position. They were having drinks at a certain restaurant and Brandon’s wife was all over the man. I spied on them from a safe position for some minutes after which they went upstairs where guest rooms are. The realization that our friend’s wife was cheating on him left me with a sinking feeling.
I know that you are a staunch proponent of the belief that people ought to mind their businesses. As you know, I have always held different views in this regard which has led to heated debates between me and you. I know you will disapprove of my resolve to inform Brandon of what his wife has been up to behind his back. Brandon is the paragon of kindness, as you know, and he loves his family to bits. I feel, in my honest opinion, that he deserves to be treated with decorum and respect. I am convinced that keeping the truth from him would be the height of betrayal. The three of us have been good friends and that is why I have dragged you into the matrix. My mind is resolutely made up, I have to tell Brandon one way or another.
With much regards,
Your sincere friend,
Dear Edgar,
Receive my most heartfelt greetings from me and my family. It is my sincere hope that you and your family are doing well.
I read your letter with a mixture of dismay and disbelief and I could understand your concern quite well. Brandon has been our friend since we were small boys and has always been the kindest of souls. As such, he deserves nothing but the best, but that is the far our consensus stretches. As much as I agree that he deserves the best, I still hold true to my conviction that you should mind your business. My friend, poking your nose into the affairs of this family might lead to a messy outcome leaving you with so much egg on your face. I will not mince words with you, for the sake of your integrity; do not involve yourself in the whole mess. Just mind your own business and leave Brandon alone.
To begin with, you do not know what could have driven her into straying from her matrimonial bed. I am not saying that any reason would justify her waywardness but it is good to acknowledge that she did not do it on an impulse. I would rather you don’t meddle, just let matters take their natural course; please take my advice...
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