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Self-Management for Success and Wellness

Essay Instructions:

finish part 2 only

Part II: Introduction to Topic and Subtopics; Complexity of Topic

Involves explanation of facts, theories, results, events, and professional opinions.

  1. Mini literature review focused on overarching subject/topic, including more involved or complex issues. (Do not simply offer surface level understanding of subject/major topic!) Must include a description of the impact that the topic has within the workplace (on the employee and/or the employer.)

  2. Association between overarching topic and multiple subtopics, including more than a reference to the subtopics highlighted in Part III.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Self-Management for Success and Wellness
Part I: Importance of Topic
Effective self-management is a way for people to organize the chaos in their lives and keep up with work related expectations while also balancing personal relationships and maintaining one's physical and mental health. Time management and stress management are arguably the two most important aspects of self-management for success and wellness. A blog post written for AEU Lead mentioned that “implementing stress management techniques can help you navigate and manage the variety of situations that pop up daily.” The blog also stated that “prioritizing is the first step in getting a handle on your time management skills.” Taking control of stress and time management are the steps towards a successful and balanced life.
Learning how to manage your own self is an extremely important aspect of your life to learn, as effective self-management will lead to not only improving your occupational life but your personal life too. Being able to effectively manage yourself will open up opportunities and it will allow you to be the best version of yourself. Learning about and practicing effective self-management can positively affect your life in many ways such as becoming more productive, becoming less stressed and more that can help you advance all around in your career. Practicing self-management allows people to better control their emotions and decisions in order to make better decisions for your company and yourself. A blog post written by Jenna Murrell for LegUp she states, “Self-management allows us to control our emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, allowing us to make better decisions both professionally and personally.” Making these better decisions lead to others viewing you as reliable, and trustworthy which will open plenty of doors for you in your career.
Part II: Introduction to Topic and Subtopics; Complexity of Topic
Understanding the various relationships between the topics and the needs for success and wellness is important for any student and professional alike. In this section, the authors would provide a short overview of the various topics and subtopics that would be discussed further in Part III of this paper.
One of the topics that would be discussed in the succeeding section is the relationship between self-management for success and wellness, and its relationship to sales. While most would believe that sales is primarily limited to the theoretical understanding, the author believes that sales as a topic includes both the theoretical and practical application of the concepts. In other words, experience also matters in order to practice self-awareness on the subject matter. In one study conducted by Ferguson and Rivera (2021), the authors noted that self-management for sales associates is important, not only for individual, but also for organizational success. This is in relation to the fact that self-management is related to increasing motivation, improving output and performance, and increasing conversion rates, among others. However, other studies show that self-management in organizational context requires a significant amount of experience in dealing with both personal and organizational matters, whether internal or external to the organization CITATION Kin \l 1033 (King & Rothstein, 2010). Thus, it is the author’s belief that any learning system teaching self-management in sales would have to incorporate both of these best practices in its curriculum.
Another important topic that would be discussed in Part III of this paper is self-management and awareness in the field of law. The author’s believe that compared to the fast-paced interactions in the field of Sales, Law requires more volume and stress-management because of the nature of the profession. Accordingly, studies show that self-management is important in this field in both the academic and professional phase.
On the one hand, self-management and awareness is crucial for students who are still studying about the law. This field is one of the fields that require the most amount of readings to complete, not to mention the stress required during recitations, case briefs, and trial, to name a few. Accordingly, self-management is important in reducing stress levels, increasing motivation, and meeting curriculum deadlines. However, studies show that self-management in this field must be closely linked to the student’s “intrinsic interests, values, motivations and purposes”, in order to achieve their goals in life CITATION Hug11 \l 1033 (Huggins, 2011).
On the other hand, self-awareness is also important during a lawyer’s professional career. Lawyers still have to read volouminous cases and work various case loads, which takes up a lot of their time. Accordingly, self-management for lawyers should be based on both intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors, rather than extrinsic focus alone.
Finally, self-management and awareness is very important in the field of medicine. Among these fields, medicine students require the most time spent in practical (intership) work, with single shifts ranging up to 36 hours. Studies show that self-awareness and management is important for medical students, especially considering that their work could adversely affect their physical, emotional, and psychological help CITATION Ben05 \l 1033 (Benbassat & Baumal, 2005).
Thus, the following section would discuss clearly how medicine students and professionals can practice self-awareness and motivation despite the sheer amount of physical strain in their workloads.
Part III:
Subtopic I: Self-Management for Success and Wellness in Sales
Self-Management for success and wellness is important in every field, but I am going to focus on the world of sales. Sales is an occupation in which most people in the field earn most of their pay through commissions based on the sales that they make. This means how they get paid is directly affected by their performance and how many sales they can make. This means that self-management is extremely important for people in the sales world, and can help them not only be happier but become better at their jobs in order to achieve more.
In the world of sales, most people in this field would be known to possess good communication skills, along with other interpersonal skills that allow them to communicate and get along with people well. They need these skills in order to generate as much sales as possible because much of their pay relies on it. In this field managing yourself is extremely important for your success, this involves time management, self reflection, and more in order to be the most effective salesperson you can be. “Managing one's self is the most important job any salesperson will ever undertake. In learning this discipline, you will find that the job opportunities open up and your production is enhanced.” (Gleason). Being able to effectively manage your time, and stay motivated will keep performance up and in sales that is the most important thing in order to make money and succeed.
Self-management will help people in the sales world get through the ups and downs of this career path. Without doubt everyone in the sales world goes through hard times, in which their sales numbers decline and this can really affect an employee if they do not know how to manage this. Sales can be an extremely stressful job especially if your numbers are down, and effective self-management can help you get through a slump. Specifically, being able to self-reflect and figure out how to improve can really help someone that is struggling, or not performing as well as they would like in order to start to change what has not been working. “Effective self management requires you to first sit down and have a hard look at yourself, identifying what may be your challenges or weaknesses. You know, those things that might steer you away from suc...
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