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Self-Exploration: How Diversity has Impacted on my Relation

Essay Instructions:

Write a 5-page paper in which you explore your experiences with committed relationships to date. These can be personal experiences, or observations of other couples including family, friends, and acquaintances. Discuss the following questions as part of this paper
• What has been the influence of diversity (gender, age, culture, race, religion, etc.) on your experiences? 
• What are some of the patterns you’ve noticed in yourself and others regarding communication and problem solving? 
• What did you learn about relationships as a young person, and how is that different now? 
• What are some of your current values regarding relationships

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Self-exploration is an ongoing process that includes collecting information about your interests, abilities and skills, values, personality, and career readiness. Personal style is also one of the issues that are assessed under self-exploration. This determines how you can fit in a particular environment, how a person processes different information, and how a person makes the world around them meaningful. Understanding my personality and my relation with others will help me in finding the best set that suits me.
Discussion and analysis
Most of us go through comprehensive skimming of our lifestyles and our outward identities. This means that don’t dig deep into what we feel, desire and think about ourselves and the people around us. The most challenging part of the whole thing is that we as individuals are always on the go. When our to-do list keeps on becoming big, self-exploration is forgotten. How can this not be forgotten when barely set no time to take care of ourselves?
Precisely, about my personal concept, self-exploration will involve adopting a deep look at my thoughts, relationship, how I communicate with others what motivates me and asking why. It takes me to the roots of which I am _answers to all the questions that I have about myself
Having such a deeper understanding of who I am has proven to have numerous benefits. It assists me in understanding myself and accepting who I am and why I do what I do. This improves my self-esteem, relationship with other and communication.
During my young age when I had rapid physical changes brought a lot of challenges that which includes relationship problems. Baring the fact that I did not have that ample experience regarding relationships outside my family; this was undoubtedly a thing that would be challenging to me.
It is not a thing to be surprised about especially at this age that most young people get much concerned about how they appear. They might feel worried especial if some of these changes occur later or even earlier than their peer. This is factors that usually affect the relation with others. However I was taught that there is a significant variation in ages at which some of these changes occur and that adolescent requires a prior reassurance about such changes. There is a lot of energy that is needed during this development, and this might be the reasons most young adults often need much sleep. I used to get up late, but this was understandable as not any laziness.
In many years, physiologist and sociologist indicated that social diversity such as gender and sexual orientation are typically much more innovative that the homogenous individuals. It is clear that my relationship diversity and significantly improved my particular expertise compare to homogeneous people. Some of the improvements that I made include solving complex relationship problem and a better understanding of different kind of people. This indicates that social diversity is more probable to work better in this way since it has also been confirmed scientifically.
This cannot just be confirmed through the fact that people of different background bring new information but also through interaction with persons who have varied characters who have alternative viewpoints. It has also been confirmed that individual diversity is usually correlated with good performance and not that it brings about better performance. However, relationship diversity has also made it possible to provide some casual conclusion. The findings are...
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