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Second Language Acquisition

Essay Instructions:

Reflection assignment: you need to choose three writers you think the best in the history of teaching language and talk about they bring to the field and reflect on your choice

these the choices I made

1 Krashen and Tracy Terrell 1983 (natural approach)

Krashen, S.D. & Terrell, T.D. (1983). The natural approach: Language acquisition in the classroom. London: Prentice Hall Europe.

2 Prabhu 1987( communicative competence ) second language and pedagogy


3Cook 1990 Multi competence approach to the second language acquisition

Vivian Cook (1995) Multi‐competence and the learning of many languages, Language, Culture and Curriculum, 8:2, 93-98, DOI: 10.1080/07908319509525193

this what the teacher wants from the reflection (The reflections that you will write in ALDS 5202 are intended to deepen your understanding of the new literature, ideas, and concepts that you are encountering in the course. FOCUS: In the reflection, you can raise questions related to the readings, discuss what is puzzling or challenging or stimulating in the readings, relate what you read to your specific interests in taking the course and/or your own experiences, identify points that are important for your future study, etc. )

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Second Language AcquisitionNameInstitutional AffiliationDate
Language is one of the most interesting tools in our life since it is through language that we can communicate with each other. There are different scholars who have provided information on acquisition of second language. One of them is Stephen Krashen, a leading theorist in second language teaching. In 1983, Krashen with Tracy Terrell developed the Natural Approach Strategy that moved the teaching of second language acquisition from being grammar centric to placing more value on the communicative competence of the people who are learners CITATION Kra831 \l 1033 (Krashen & Terrell, 1983). He argued that it was necessary for teachers to provide support to the learners who were acquiring L2s so that they can move from one level of the language to the other. Krashen is also associated with the input hypothesis theory where he argued that all the learners possess a language acquisition device and learning environments that are rich in resources should be offered so that there can be a high motivation in the acquisition of second languages CITATION Rod15 \l 1033 (Rod, 2015). The understanding of the written and spoken language input has been observed as one of the input mechanisms that increases the language competence of the learner. He also emphasized that language depends on the mood of the learner whether they are under stress or they do not want to learn the language CITATION Rod15 \l 1033 (Rod, 2015). Grammar is also an important aspect of language acquisition. Grammar rules are important in L2 acquisition since after you have acquired the language, you are required to write what you have learned to demonstrate your understanding of grammar.
Prabhu also insisted on the communicative competence theory that insisted that in the acquisition of L2 it was important to ground theory in practice so that an individual can be a competent second language speaker. Prabhu defines a task as an activity that requires the learners to arrive at a certain outcome from the information that has been given through a process of thought that is controlled and regulated by the teachers CITATION NSP871 \l 1033 (Prabhu, 1987). The suggestions of Prabhu move the teaching of L2 from the traditional model that is teacher centered to the one that is centered on the learners. Task based language teaching will also offer the learners an opportunity to put into practice what they are taught.
The views of Prabhu are in line with ...
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