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Employee Turnover in the Hospitality Industry. Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Employee turnover in the hospitality industry averages 400% annually. This means that, on average, 100% of the staff of a restaurant, hotel, airline, cruise ship, etc. is replaced four (4) times per year. There has been extensive research on employee turnover and employee job satisfaction. Using the Internet or the Library, select one (1) hospitality industry type such as fast-food restaurants, luxury hotels, specialty hotels, or any other type of hospitality interest and identify the main problems associated with that industry and employee turnover. Suggest ways and methods to address the high turnover rate. I choose restaurants.

Describe the type of hospitality industry and its main categories of employees.

Summarize three (3) primary reasons that turnover is so high in this industry.

Recommend one (1) method to address each of the three (3) primary reasons that turnover is so high in this industry.

Recommend one (1) method to improve job satisfaction in general for this industry.

Use at least two (2) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not quality as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Develop a plan for managing and improving quality in a hospitality operation.

Describe the management attributes contributing to providing service quality.

List and describe basic service paradigms.List and describe basic service paradigms.

Differentiate between high- and low-performance organizations and identify contributing factors.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in quality service assurance.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Employee Turnover in the Hospitality Industry
Student’s Name
Significant challenges still exist in the hospitality industry especially in attracting and retention of a skilled workforce. One of the enduring elements in this industry is a high staff turnover which impacts the ability to deliver a consistent brand experience and harms the business. Another aspect is the fact that not enough individuals view this developing industry as an essential place where they can develop and establish their careers (O'Fallon & Rutherford, 2011).
Additionally, shifts such as globalization and the fluctuations in consumer decision making are essential elements that can either enhance the success of a restaurant or lead to its downfall. The paper will identify the problems associated with the restaurant industry and mainly focus on the issues linked to employee turnover in restaurants. It will also suggest the best ways of addressing the high turnover rates in such enterprises within the hospitality industry.
Analysis of challenges associated with the hospitality industry
For hotels and restaurants, the economy plays a vital role in the evaluation of the level of both business and personal spending. Especially for hotels and restaurants located in heavy tourism locations. In hotel sectors, the fluctuations of global events have a particular impact on international spending which makes it a considerable challenge facing the hospitality industry including restaurants (Boella & Goss-Turner, 2013). As demand for lodging and plane travel decrease, both the total revenue and profits of the enterprise decrease. Prices are reduced in these enterprises to fill empty rooms which only lead to increased rates to recover lost profits for the business.
The issue of customer demands is a challenge for most enterprises in the hospitality enterprises as customers are now doing more than simply comparing these institutions to their direct competitors (Chen, 2012). Customers have begun comparing their experiences in general especially when it comes to digital interaction and exceptional services due to instant gratification from customers. The hospitality industry is feeling the pressure of going digital due to high customer service demands.
Issues associated with high employee turnover in restaurants
In numerous restaurants, the job positions are seasonal whereby, workers are hired during high season and retrenched during low seasons which hurts employee morale. Lack of a positive culture within the enterprise makes the work environment highly unpleasant. In numerous instances, poor leadership and especially the inability of management to handle grievances reasonably can negatively affect the morale of the staff (Gordon & Brezinski, 2016). The labor poor for restaurants is commonly made up of unskilled and untrained workers. Numerous employees are young and mostly utilize such jobs as a stepping stone to other careers. This only increases the chances of the turnover.
Workers and managers in restaurants walk a fine line between keeping their customers happy and supporting their employees. Some leaders cannot make proper judgments between effective customer service and abusive customers (Boella & Goss-Turner, 2013). The pay rates in most restaurants are generally around the minimum wage, and this makes it challenging for employees to support themselves with a single job and therefore, some must seek other alternatives which are a significant cause of employee turnover (Chen, 2012). The level of competition in the hospitality industry is high, and therefore employees may compare their pay levels with those of other restaurants which may urge them to leave and earn more elsewhere. People usually remain in jobs that are favorable concerning pay.
In restaurants, most young employees have different expectation and priorities in comparison to older employees. These older workers are...
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