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Are School Uniforms And Dress Codes Necessary?

Essay Instructions:

* state a clear thesis ( a claim) and issue a call to action through argument based on evidence.

*Use compelling evidence to support your opinion and cite reliable sources.

*convincingly explain why or how your evidence supports your thesis. acknowledge at least one counter-claim and provide a rebuttal.

*provide one New York times source, one academic authored source.

Position: School uniforms and dress codes are not necessary.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Are School Uniforms and Dress Codes Necessary?
For a long time, a great debate has existed on the importance of wearing school uniforms and other dress codes in learning institutions and work places. There are several reasons that has necessitated many governments in the world to enforce the wearing of uniforms in public and private schools. Although proponents of the policy may provide a million and one reasons to justify the move, there are other setbacks associated with the practice. The wearing of uniforms and dress codes in learning institutions and workplaces provides several constrains that result in negative outcomes from students.
The Other Side of the Coin
Many proponents of the uniform and dress code movement support the idea citing the need for students to maintain common identity in order to avoid distractions. Many argue that school uniforms and dress codes help students to concentrate on their academics and achievements in their grade scores instead of engaging in unnecessary fashion shows (Toppo, 2013). Students may face victimization because of the choices of clothes they wear at school. Educational reformers argue that school uniforms provide students with little distractions, and the need to worry about what to wear every morning, as they have a direct choice of wearing their uniforms (Yeung, 2010).
Additional the uniform movement proponents argue that school uniforms allow students to be identified easily especially during excursions and field trips (Yeung, 2010). It is easy to identify students and from which school they come from due to the unique uniform they wear. They also argue that school uniforms allow students to look good and presentable, which also reflects the image of the school (Refinery, 2016). Another argument provided is that students from rich backgrounds may pose a challenge to students from poor backgrounds if they were to be allowed to wear the clothes of their choices at school. This is because students from poor backgrounds cannot afford expensive clothing, hence making them appear poor and desperate. School uniforms provide neutrality and avoids discrimination that may occur from parental economics strengths (Refinery, 2010). Although some of these accounts are true, there are many other off sides that proponents of uniforms overlook.
The Economic Burden and Results
A study conducted by Hidalgo et al. (2010) in Ecuador showed that one of the main problem of school attendance in man schools was the issue of uniforms. Many parents especially from low economic backgrounds found it difficult to afford school uniforms for their children due to their expensive nature. Parents found it difficult to provide basic needs including the clothes that their children wear, in addition to school uniforms which are mandatory in most schools. Refinery (2016) also add that school uniforms in some schools, especially private schools are very expensive for many parents, as they are specially made and rare to find when compared with other kinds of clothes.
Most of the materials that students are forced from wearing are actually cheaper and more accessible than school uniforms (Refinery, 2016). A pair of jeans for example is cheaper and easier to find than a nice pair of khaki, or sweatshirts instead of sweaters. Students who finish high schools and colleges never use clothes and uniforms they wore back at school, which shows why strict codes and uniforms are such a waste of money. Schools require students to be clean all the time and keeping their school uniforms exquisitely spotless is one of the tough requirements (Tran). This forces parents to buy for their children more than two pairs of uniforms in order for their children to remain comfortable. This offers a lot of financial burdens, especially when students join schools at the beginning of the schooling year (Orenstein, 2014).
Many proponents of school uniform movement argue that school uniforms aid in students’ academic achievements by avoiding distractions. However, Yeung (2010) s...
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