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No One Has More Freedom: How To Be A Free Spirit?

Essay Instructions:

Develop a trial aspect of your identity or role will you focus on? Use the title construction “How to be a [role or identity from above]” or “How to [task or activity from above]”. The trick here is to choose an identity/role or task/activity that will ultimately reveal something about you via the development of a concrete and unique version of yourself. Focus on the one aspect and don't try to capture your entire personality or existence.
You are aiming to create a unique link between you and the role or task you describe.
activities I do : work out, go shopping, drink, listening music, act crazy at home, read fashion magazine, explore creative things, sing
things I did as a child: drawing, playing electronic piano, play badminton, hang with friends, sing, dance latin(just have studied 1 month when grade 6)
adjective: emotional, weird, capricious, negative sometimes, over thinker, interesting, like smile, look quite in front of people, always follow my heart or feelings
(!!!please write it like not too high level, just good as a good normal international student)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
How to be a free spirit?
You are a free spirit freer than no one, and yet no one has more freedom than you. The world is an illusion, you know that one, and yet, why can’t others see? To become a free spirit, you must open your eyes. Not just merely open them, use them and look. And when you look, you will realize that it is the first time that you saw, that the world was an illusion, simple and raw.
What does our world really mean? Is there really a grander scheme that directs our fate, and thus our experiences in this life? And how do our experiences alter our reality and decisions in our own journeys? What significance does our existence have for others? These are just some questions that are always boggling a free spirit’s mind. Maybe, it is because of this that they are empowered with much more wonder that allows them to see the deepness and blueness of the skies. Maybe, it is what drives their curiosity to smell the beautiful flowers and look under the veins of majestic green leaves. Maybe it is what inspires them to shut their eyes when listening to music, in order to immense oneself in the vibe, ever changing and ever harmonically. As free spirits be, they trust the flow, and so, they go.
In this world, there are no instructions. Life has no meaning and yet there are so many interpretations of it, but for you, your experiences in life will and must push you to perceive and value yourself as a free spirit. You may doubt almost every aspect of the society. You will question the institutions and religions that wants to dictate a method of living for the members of society. You might perceive them as a dark entity that imposes rules and methodologies that would “straighten” your life’s path. They would provide the instructions and blueprint of your life. As a free spirit, you will clearly despise that notion, because for you, following another’s will for you to direct your life energy is equal to killing the adventure and joys of discovering your own journey. This idea will be the catalyst that pushes you to realize things about myself, and learn what you truly are, a free spirit. To be a free spirit is to realize that all of us is granted an unlimited freedom in life to choose what we want to be. One aspect that you will see in yourself is that you tend to decide on the spot rather than plan ahead about certain aspects of their lives. This is because you know that every moment will pass and you would rather spend their energy enjoying the vibe of the situation rather than worry and make troublesome and stressful thoughts. Free spirits have an uncanny ability to see the light in times of darkness, but sometimes, the dark also has to teach you things. This darkness also sometimes turns into anxiety and over thinking as the free spirit feels caged and...
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