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Read The Article Meltdown: Running Out Of Time On Global Warming

Essay Instructions:

Read the article Meltdown:Running out of time on global warming , 92-95

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Climate change is one of the many endless debates with no proper solution in place even though experts predict that global warming is a serious threat to human existence. Similarly, Bill McKibben’s article titled, Meltdown: Running out of time on global warming, calls for immediate measures to address climate change. According to Bill, time is running out with no practical solutions in addressing climate change. He is calling for churches to join the new movement to push the government to implement practical solutions that will slow down global warming.
Bill's practical approach includes advocating for better environmental policies, calling for people to join the coalition of environmentalist activists in staging rallies all over the country. In his arguments, he uses rhetorical devices to further convince his audience of the importance participating in this unique movement. His credibility is evident through ethos as he presents the findings by James Hansen, a leading climatologist, and a NASA researcher to warn his audience.
According to James Hansen, we only need a decade to reverse the carbon effects in the atmosphere (Mckibben 92). The use of such persuasive fallacies by the author is meant to convince the audience review the consequences of not taking any action towards protecting the environment. Bill also uses pathos in his statements to push the audience to act. Bill warns his audience that if proper actions are not undertaken immediately "we are going to live on a totally difficult planet" (Mckibben 93).
Contrary to Bill’s claims, environmentalist groups and special interest groups have pushed for various legislation to reduce carbon emission through various initiatives. He acknowledges the fact that the government has set at 2 percent reduction of carbon emission annually (Betz 4). With several government programs in place to address glob...
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