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Ways Of Preventing Teen Pregnancy By The End Of The Seminar

Essay Instructions:

Teen Pregnancy 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Teen Pregnancy
Work Plan
1 To reduce teen pregnancy in high school students by 20% after the first year.
2 To reduce health issues related with teen pregnancy by 30% within the first six months.
Learning Objectives:
1 To identify at least three major causes of teen pregnancy during a workshop held at school and record them in their notebooks by the end of the workshop.
2 To identify at least two health issues related to teen pregnancy from the assignment assigned in the first week and share in class at the end of the week.
Behavioral Objectives:
1 To demonstrate at least two ways of preventing teen pregnancy by the end of the seminar held in the first month.
2 To demonstrate how to deal with health issues related to teen pregnancy by the end of the seminar held in the third month.
Activities/ Timeframe/ Responsible Person


Responsible Person

Seminars and workshops in which issues related to teen pregnancy including causes, health-related issues, and prevention approaches are discussed in depth.

16 weeks

Specialist/ therapist

Consulting the Internet for further research.

1 week

Class supervisor

Grouping students in four groups of five members to brainstorm on ways of preventing teen pregnancy and presenting the findings in class at the end of the discussions.

Four weeks

Group leader

Role plays in class on ways of preventing teen pregnancy such as ways of overcoming peer pressure.

Two weeks


Discuss case studies including both real by anonymous cases as well as hypothetical cases on teen pregnancy to clarify on the issue.

8 weeks

Therapist/ class supervisor

Data Measurement Tools
Data would be measured for reliability and validity. This would be done using data measurement tools that would ensure that the provided data is accurate and honest. Teens filling questionnaires would be discouraged from proving their identities so as to give accurate answers without fear.
Measures of Success
Success of the program and its activities would be measured based on how each activity is completed within the set timeline. Success would also be measured based on how the responsible person is able to complete the assigned tasks without any issues. For instance, if assigned to head a team, deliberate on a certain issue, and make presentations, this would be considered successful based on how these objectives are met. In a similar manner, success would be determined by having good cooperation between the therap...
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