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Roles of Communities and Families in Education

Essay Instructions:

There are two reflection paper should demonstrate your understanding of the readings for the class. Each reflection paper need one page.
1. November 24th Reading
Please read
Florence, N. (1994). bell hooks' Teaching to transgress: Education as the practice of freedom. New York: Routledge. (Chapter 1) p.13-22.
2. January 26th Reading
we will discuss
Ayers, W., K. Kumashiro, E. Meiners, T. Quinn, and D. Stovall. (2017). Our Communities Deserve Justice! Social Justice Teaching and Community Building Dialogue, in Teaching Towards Democracy, Educators as Agents of Social Change. Second Edition, New York: Routlege. (Chapter 3) p. 89-120

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Teaching is a very complex process that goes beyond the definition of the term. As Ayers et al. (2017) reveal, people's lives are not experienced in fragments or segments, but they are pieces of something big. From my experience, it is important to have very good linkages with the communities since it makes it easier to determine their needs and ensure the learner benefits from the education. If the teacher ignores the information, they will face classroom challenges. Communities and families are very important since they lead to positive benefits such as enhancing the teaching techniques. A teacher who avoids close interaction with communities will not easily cope with the emerging issues in the community, and they will not succeed as teachers.
If I become a teacher, my focus will be on improving the classroom by implementing input from families and communities. The students are an important part of the link, and this means that if I am a teacher, I should use a majority of feedback from them. It is critical to practice justice-centered teaching (Ayers et al., 2017). A justice-centered approach involves several elements. The first is introducing engaged and relevant content in the classroom. Any teacher should have a classroom that exposes learners to a challenging, thought-provoking, and critical learning environment. Secondly, it could mean using tests and other standardized measures to support learning or even ensure learners have the required resources to improve their knowledge and understanding of new concepts. Something that caught my attention from Ayers et al. (2017) reading is that educations need to support revolutionary change. Without individual transformations, it would be impossible to achieve any developments in...
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