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2 pages/≈550 words
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English (U.S.)
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Global Poverty and The Diverse Approaches Fronted by Various Stakeholders

Essay Instructions:

You are asked to submit a written assignments that consist of a one page (single space) reflexion on the REQUIRED READINGS for the week.
To clarify
• Neither the videos nor the suggested readings are to be covered in this assignment.
• You must cover the readings that will be discussed in class that day. you must submit a written assignment based on the readings to be discussed in class on this reading.
• The deadline to submit your written assignment through Quercus is 2:59PM the day of the lecture.
• The point here is not to summarize the readings, but to identify the main theme(s) and how some of the readings complement or contradict each other. You do not need to cover all the required readings.
• You can refer to the author’s last name only (e.g., “Diamond” for Jared Diamond)
• You do not need to include a bibliography as your professor already knows the readings.
• Each assignment will be graded out of 10. Your four best marks will be compiled to determine 40% of your final grade.
Submitting your written assignments through Quercus will imply a review of textual similarity by Ouroriginal for detection of possible plagiarism. In doing so, students will allow their assignments to be included as source documents in the Ouroriginal reference database, where they will be used solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. The terms that apply to the University’s use of the Ouriginal service are described on the Ouroriginal web site (https://www(dot)ouriginal(dot)com/). If you have an objection to the use of Ouriginal for the submission of your work, please make an appointment to speak personally with the Course Instructor to discuss alternative arrangements.
Please note that submitting your paper through Ouroriginal or making alternative arrangements with your professor before the relevant deadlines is not optional. Failure to do so will result in a grade of 0 for your assignment. The late penalties describe in this syllabus will apply.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Short Written Assignment
Student Name
Instructor Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Due Date
Short Written Assignment The readings for this week focus on the theme of global poverty and the diverse approaches fronted by various stakeholders for addressing this persistent menace. The different articles explored acknowledge that poverty has remained a thorn in international economic discussions because of its complexity and dynamic nature, making it challenging for singular strategies to eliminate it. Many economists have delved into this discourse and sifted through numerous mechanisms of overcoming this global challenge in vain. However, the readings reveal that scientists, government agencies, and other stakeholders are gradually designing promising methods of combating the problem. The only vague element is that uncertainties still linger due to different international calamities worsening global poverty.  Waldrop claims that although the world had made significant strides in overcoming global poverty, the recent covid-19 disruptions reversed some of the recorded gains. The truth is that countries were already experiencing the gradual economic growth that had lifted millions of citizens from poverty categorization. Families were gradually gaining economic empowerment and might until the world’s financial systems faced the devastating effects of the coronavirus pandemic. The outcomes of this event reflect Starobin’s reservations that despite the robustness of the millennium development goals in banishing poverty from the world, threats that could quickly dim these ambitions persist. As a result, these aspects illustrate why the world continues to struggle with cyclic poverty despite the presence of ingenious poverty-eradication plans. Another prominent theme related to poverty is ending big aid options and replacing them with sustai...
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