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Response Paper: The Second Shift by Hochschild and Machung

Essay Instructions:

Question #1

In their book on the state of “two income households” in America – Hoschschild and Machung outline a new social phenomenon “The Second Shift”

  • What is it?
  • What are the social dynamics/changes that have led to its rise in modern day America?

Question #2

The book dissects the lives of 8 couples.

  • Are there any that you could identify with more than others?  Either because you were able to see your own family dynamics within them, or observed it in that of a friend, co-worker, etc?
    • What was it about that family that seemed familiar?
  • If none felt more familiar that others, select one of the families which seemed most interesting to you…why did you select this family?  What aspects of their dynamics specifically made you want to talk about them?



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Response Paper: The Second Shift
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The Second Shift
Question #1
According to Hochschild & Machung (2012), the second shift indicates the changes that have occurred in the handling of household chores in two-income families. More men are undertaking housework jobs that were traditionally reserved for wives. With wives undertaking careers outside the home, husbands and wives are forced to share household chores. The shift challenges the idea that the woman’s place is to do housework, care for the kids, etc. while the husband should bring income to the family and do none of the house chores. In two-income families, both parties are breadwinners; hence they need to share household duties equally.
In the earlier days, a majority of women were housewives while the men were the primary breadwinners for the family (Hochschild & Machung, 2012). As the main source of income for the family, men got less involved in the affairs of the home. However, changes have occurred in American society to allowed more women to enter the job market. Two income families have come up due to the desire of women to contribute financially to the home as their male counterparts. Americans have confronted gender stereotypes that indicate that men should provide for the family while women should remain as housewives. More women have pursued careers and contributed to the family. Additionally, the desire to raise the standard of living in families has caused more women to get jobs out there. Without two-income families, couples would find it challenging to make end...
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